Situational Organizational Management of the Triple Option Coaching Staff

Situational Organizational Management of the Triple Option Coaching Staff

Ideally, the Triple Option Coaching Staff consists of the following: Quarterbacks Coach B-Backs Coach A-Backs Coach Receivers Coach Centers/Guards Coach Tackles Coach Skill Position Staff Assistant Offensive Line Staff Assistant However, what if you don’t have eight coaches? If you had seven or six, you’d eliminate the staff assistant positions. If you had five, here’s how […]

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The Sports Science of Triple Option Football: Quarterback Play

The Sports Science of Triple Option Football: Quarterback Play

There are certain psychomotor movements and biomechanics each Triple Option Quarterback must master to serve his football team. The specific movements are all taught at Dr. Cella’s 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps. Here are the Quarterback’s following movements: 1- Triple Steps- The Quarterback’s progression on Triple Option. 2- Midline Steps- The Quarterback’s progression on […]

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Quarterback Reading a Stacked #1 and #2 on Triple Option

Quarterback Reading a Stacked #1 and #2 on Triple Option

When #1 and #2 are stacked over the Playside Tackle on Triple Option the Quarterback gives the ball to the B UNLESS #2 blitzes through B-gap or #1 tackles the B. The following demonstrates how to drill this with your Quarterback and your skill positions: This must be the most practiced aspect of your offense. […]

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Triple Option versus Odd Stack Defense

Triple Option versus Odd Stack Defense

The Odd Stack is one of the most common high school defenses. Fortunately, when the Quarterback reads his way out, the Odd Stack becomes one of the most vulnerable defenses. The rules on the Triple Option are the following: Playside Receiver- Near Deep Defender Playside A- #3 Playside Tackle- Veer (Outside UNLESS Ace call) Playside […]

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Triple Option Football Academy is Getting back to Basics in 2014

Triple Option Football Academy is Getting back to Basics in 2014

Well, after nearly 600 articles, it’s time to get back to basics. At the start of 2014, we’re going back to discussing the basics of the Triple, Midline, passing game, and run constraints. You’ll get an education in the Triple Option 101. Have a Happy New Year and GOD bless you all! –Lou Triple Option […]

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10 Steps to Provide All Triple Option Coaches with Prosperity, Hope, and a Great Future

10 Steps to Provide All Triple Option Coaches with Prosperity, Hope, and a Great Future

There is a plan to provide all Triple Option Football Coaches with an opportunity for success. The following is the 10-step process to get you there: Webinar– this process teaches you how to run the Triple Option High School Football Program in 6-9 hours. Interactive Video Series– you have video of every Triple Option drill […]

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Long-Duration, Low-Intensity Situational Repetitions Positively Effect Triple Option Quarterbacks

Long-Duration, Low-Intensity Situational Repetitions Positively Effect Triple Option Quarterbacks

Recent research through the University of Montana indicates that Quarterback need more Triple Option repetitions in practice and they need more situational football to lower the intensity of implicit drill work. A study in the Perceptual and Motor skills Journal concluded that short-duration, high-intensity exercise has a negative effect on accuracy in a sports-specific task that requires […]

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Triple Option Football Academy Assignment Term Quiz: Part One Answers

Triple Option Football Academy Assignment Term Quiz: Part One Answers

The quiz can be found here. 1- Triple 2- All Midline variations 3- Follow 4- Zone 5- Triple 6- All Midline variations 7- Load 8- Fan 9- Pitch 10- Vertical to Wheel (versus playside safety) Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella

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Triple Option Football Academy Assignment Term Quiz: Part One

Triple Option Football Academy Assignment Term Quiz: Part One

The following is a 10 question test utilizing definitions of assignment terms.  The goal of the test-taker is to provide the term for each definition. 1- Which run does the Quarterback hop into the playside A-gap and point the football? 2- Which run does the Quarterback hop into the backside A-gap and point the football? […]

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Seven Areas the Triple Option Offense Builds Excellence through Character Building

Seven Areas the Triple Option Offense Builds Excellence through Character Building

The Triple Option Offense builds character possibly more than any other offense. Who else requires character development more than those who protect us–our Navy and our Army.  They are entrenched in the Triple Option Offense and character is built with backside scoop blocks and backside cutoff blocks. Here are seven areas in which the Triple […]

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