The Process-Based Triple Option Leader-Coach

The Process-Based Triple Option Leader-Coach


Today, Triple Option coaches face four common problems.  These problems include the following:

  1. Bad communication.
  2. No performance-tracking system.
  3. Not enough accountability.
  4. Unacceptable on-field behaviors.

Triple Option Process Based Leadership provides a practical, back-to-basics solution to solve these issues.

A process is a system of operations or series of actions, changes or functions that achieve an end result. In the context of management, four key “processes” must be established, understood and implemented throughout the organization to successfully achieve bottom-line results. It is crucial that these processes be non-negotiable.

The Four Key Processes of the Triple Option Leader-Coach

  1. Communication Process- exchange information in a series of steps.
  2. Accountability Process- continually accepting increased responsibility for on-field action.
  3. On-field Focus Process- keep doing what has to be presently done.
  4. Behavioral Expectations Process- a continuing series of proper action.

What the Triple Option Lead-Coach Can Do as a Process-Based Leader

  1. Drive performance objectives down from the first-team Quarterback to the third-team Guard.
  2. Establish expectations and auditing procedures to drive measurable results throughout the football program.
  3. Develop a structured communication plan.
  4. Execute an action plan that directly impacts each echelon of the football program by holding players accountable for results within their realm of responsibility.

Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Football Coaches

Take the guesswork out of running the Flexbone Triple Option offense. Join the Triple Option Football Academy today and build your program into a championship contender!
