Five Reasons Why The Quarterback is a Position of Service in the Triple Option

Five Reasons Why The Quarterback is a Position of Service in the Triple Option


The Quarterback serves his Triple Option Offense.

By reading #1 and pitching #2, the Quarterback makes everybody else do their job easier.  The Quarterback is doing two jobs for the price of one.  He is making two people miss, so the offense can have a 10-on-9 matchup.

Here are the reasons why the Quarterback is a position of service in the Triple Option.

1. He serves to discover abundance: the radical shift from “me” to “we.”

The Triple Option Quarterback is likely the most unselfish person within the football program.

2. He serves to express gratitude.

The Triple Option Quarterback is likely the most humble player within the football program and wants to give back to people.

3. He serves to transform himself.

The Triple Option Quarterback knows that this experience is going to make him a much better man.

4. He serves to honor his superiors.

The Triple Option Quarterback respects his elders and seeks to please them.

5. He serves to see the world as a different perspective.

The Triple Option Quarterback sees life in a far more spiritual way than the others.

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