How Much do you Know about the Offensive Line Blocks Utilized in the Triple Option Offense? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz

How Much do you Know about the Offensive Line Blocks Utilized in the Triple Option Offense? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz


This 10 question matching quiz tests your knowledge on the Triple Option Offense and Offensive Line Blocks.

1- Scoop

2- Veer

3- Base

4- Ace

5- Fan

6- Gate

7- Superscoop

8- Slide

9- Deucecom

10- Down


a. Center/Guard double team

b. Block designed to totally cancel the near gap in Triple Option Offense

c. Block where Playside Guard and Tackle run to the sideline

d. Combination block between Guard and Tackle utilized on Counter Option

e. 2nd to 3rd level block

f. Block on inside defender on Counter Option

g. Gap-away Pass Protection

h. Playside Tackle’s block on Midline Lead

i. Man-on-man run block

j. Hinge-based pass protection block.

Answers are revealed here.

Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Football Coaches
