20 Topics Covered in Your Triple Option Football Academy Webinar

20 Topics Covered in Your Triple Option Football Academy Webinar

Webinar Coach, upon purchasing the Triple Option Football Academy, you and your coaching staff schedule your Triple Option Football Academy Webinar. In one day, you learn that there are 20 steps to starting a Flexbone program from the date of hiring through the first game: Step 1- Meeting with players to cover Flexbone Triple Option offensive […]

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Triple Option Football Coaching: 80 Percent of your Practice Time Should be Spent on the Following Techniques

Triple Option Football Coaching: 80 Percent of your Practice Time Should be Spent on the Following Techniques

The Pareto Principle is the time-tested and infallible principle that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. In the Triple Option, the Top 20 percent of your offense is…. The Triple Option. The Triple Option is an offense. When you run Triple Option, there are specific physical techniques that are utilized. If […]

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Triple Option Coaching: Playside Tackle Blocking on Midline Lead

Triple Option Coaching: Playside Tackle Blocking on Midline Lead

When Triple is called and there is a 3-technique and a playside safety to the call side….. The Quarterback defaults the play to Midline Lead. This is because the Playside Tackle cannot veer into the safety on Midline, thus creating a 3-on-3. Due to this, the Backside A-back must lead through as an extra blocker […]

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Join the Triple Option Football Academy Facebook Page

Join the Triple Option Football Academy Facebook Page

The Triple Option Football Academy is on Facebook. For articles, commentary, and information on the Triple Option offense, go to facebook.com/tripleoptionfootballacademy _______________________________ Academy The Big Idea in 171 Words Here’s the problem.  If you can’t block defensive linemen, you’ll never move the ball, you’ll never score points, and you’ll never win a game.  You need to […]

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Triple Option Coaching: Ace Blocking v. 2i

Triple Option Coaching: Ace Blocking v. 2i

An Ace Block is a double team between the Center and the Guard. This block is utilized on Triple Option when the action key is a shade, 2i, or 2 technique. In this situation, the Center and Guard are Ace blocking a 2i technique.   1. The Center and Guard both zone step (six-inch lateral […]

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Triple Option Football Academy Clients Can Call for Support

Triple Option Football Academy Clients Can Call for Support

Support Coach, if you have a question before, during, and after practice, call the Triple Option Football Academy to provide you with solutions to your problems involving ball security and blocking in the authentic Flexbone Triple Option offense. The Triple Option Football Academy is available for immediate responses to your questions involving the authentic Flexbone […]

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Triple Option Coaching: Inside Veer Release

Triple Option Coaching: Inside Veer Release

On Triple Option, the Playside Tackle’s assignment is to Veer. The Playside Tackle Veers Outside UNLESS he receives an “Ace” call from the Center or the Guard. If this is the case, the Playside Tackle Veers inside. The following is a visual example of this:   1- The Playside Tackle Zone steps with his inside […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Playbook: Triple Pass v. 6-3

Flexbone Triple Option Playbook: Triple Pass v. 6-3

Often times in high school football, the defense aligns without a safety. So many high school defenses are so overly run conscious, they are fearless in defending the pass. The Triple Pass is utilized when the safety flies up on Triple/Midline. So where there’s NO safety… Triple Pass is your call. Triple Pass Rules PR- […]

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Falls City (TX) Wins State Championship in Texas After their Camp with Lou Cella

Falls City (TX) Wins State Championship in Texas After their Camp with Lou Cella

Before the 2010 season, Falls City HS (TX) had never won a regional championship in school history. In 2010, after running a camp with Lou Cella as Camp Director, Falls City HS (TX) won the Regional and State Championship for the first time in school history in Texas while scoring 680 points in 15 games. “The […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Playbook: Running Midline Lead out of Over

Flexbone Triple Option Playbook: Running Midline Lead out of Over

When defenses align with eight-man fronts and the offense brings the Receiver over, the defense is forced to declare what they are doing. In this situation, the safety cheats over to align on #3.  This is the most common way high school teams align versus Over. Triple Right is called… because there is a 3-technique […]

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