January 3, 2014
This is the Over Formation
Over Formation. This is the formation utilized versus one-high safety defenses to force the defense to declare themselves.
The Odd Stack Defense possesses one safety, so the defense puts themselves in a compromising situation when the Triple Option Offense brings the Receiver Over. Now, the defense must declare where they are going with the safety.
UNLESS the defense brings somebody over from the backside to the playside, the Triple Option Offense ALWAYS has the numbers advantage.
And if the defense decides to bring somebody over, the defense balances itself; however, #3 becomes the primary AND secondary force player. So, if the ball gets pitched outside of him… 6 points.
When defenses utilize one high safety to defend the Triple Option, they put themselves in no-win situations. This is why all colleges play Navy, Georgia Tech, and Georgia Southern the same way… like this.
This version of the 4-3 Defense is the most common alignment utilized versus Division-1 Triple Option colleges over the last 10 years.
Utilize this article versus one-high safety defenses with your Triple Option Offense in 2014.
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2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella