Playside A-Back Blocking Process on Triple Option

Playside A-Back Blocking Process on Triple Option


On Triple Option, the Playside A-Back’s assignment is #3.

He dropstep-crossover-runs and blocks whoever shows up in the alley (this is #3) UNLESS…

#3 is already in the middle of the field pre-snap.

If this occurs, the Playside A-Back LOADS #3.

Here is the Playside A-Back’s Process on Triple Option.

The Playside A-Back arcs to #3 and blocks whoever shows in the alley.  This can be either the safety or the corner in a 4-across look.  Here, it's the safety.

The Playside A-Back arcs to #3 and blocks whoever shows in the alley. This can be either the safety or the corner in a 4-across look. Here, it’s the safety.

The Playside A-Back arcs to #3 and blocks whoever shows in the alley.  This can be either the safety or the corner in a 4-across look.  Here, it's the Corner.

The Playside A-Back arcs to #3 and blocks whoever shows in the alley. This can be either the safety or the corner in a 4-across look. Here, it’s the Corner.

When #3 is already in the field pre-snap, the Playside A moves vertical and LOADS #3.

When #3 is already in the field pre-snap, the Playside A moves vertical and LOADS #3.

This is why the count system is so important.  The Playside A-back has a very technical job within the Triple Option Offense and should be coached with high standards.

Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches

2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella
