Quarterback Progression on Lead (Midline Double)

Quarterback Progression on Lead (Midline Double)


When Triple Option is called and a 3-technique plus a safety appear to the call side, the Triple defaults to Lead (Midline Double).

The following is the Quarterback’s progression on Lead (Midline Double):

1- Take the snap.

2- Seat the ball.

3- Hop both feet into the backside A-gap.

4- Point the ball.

5- Give the ball to the B UNLESS #1 tackles the B.

6- If so, re-seat the ball.

7- Step with playside foot, replace #1, and score.

Midline Lead is utilized when Triple is called and a 3-technique and a playside safety align to the Triple Option side.  Since the Playside Tackle cannot veer into the safety, the backside A-back must be inserted as the extra blocker.

Midline Lead is utilized when Triple is called and a 3-technique and a playside safety align to the Triple Option side. Since the Playside Tackle cannot veer into the safety, the backside A-back must be inserted as the extra blocker.

Utilize this article to teach your Quarterbacks how to run Lead when defaulted from Triple Option.

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