January 9, 2014
I would like to offer congratulations to both Brent Thompson and Lou Conte for their appointment as assistant coaches at the Citadel.
New Citadel Assistant Coach, Brent Thompson. Brent has coached Division-1 Football before, at Bucknell University, where he served as Offensive Coordinator. I met Brent when he first started at Bucknell 10 years ago.
New Citadel Assistant Football Coach, Lou Conte. Lou Conte is a Springfield (MA) College graduate. Springfield has been a Triple Option program for five decades under Coach Mike DeLong. He has worked his way up from the Prep School ranks in just a few, short years. This is Lou’s first Division-1 coaching position.
Both Brent and Lou have run camps for me in the past. They did outstanding, and I mean outstanding, work.
Congratulations to Brent and Lou! Go Bulldogs! –Lou
Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches
2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella