Seven Ways to be the Life-Changer Coach with the Triple Option

Seven Ways to be the Life-Changer Coach with the Triple Option


There are seven ways to change lives and be the agent of change as a Triple Option Football Coach.  Here is the process:

 1-      Positive Perspective

Highlight the daily improvement players make within the Triple Option Offense, identify the mistakes, and energetically acknowledge when corrections are made with players.

2-      Physical Exercise

Players need to keep moving throughout all drills during practice.  Practices must be run at a speed faster than game tempo.

3-      Single-Tasking

Players must identify the finish point on the assignment they are executing on the CURRENT play.

4-      Focus on One Goal

The goal is to SCORE POINTS.  This is done through perfect blocking and ball security caused by perfect footwork, angles, and mindfulness.

5-      Eliminate the Non-Essential

Run a Triple Option PROGRAM not just a Triple Option concept.  Triple Option is 40-50 percent of your offense (18-24 plays/game at the high school level). Kill the run constraints and pass concepts that you’re not going to run at least four times in each game.

6-      Service

Players must serve the team through urgent, accurate footwork and angles to the finish point of their assignment.

7-      Be the same player and the same coach every day.

Keep the routine consistent.  Expect all players and assistant coaches to be the same guy every day.

Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches

2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella
