Triple Option Football Coaching: Fix the Fundamentals FIRST

Triple Option Football Coaching: Fix the Fundamentals FIRST


There are two keys to successful offensive football–blocking and ball security.

The margin of errors in these two areas are minimal to none.

Highlighted in RED are the blocking fundamentals and highlighted in GREEN are the ball security fundamentals.


Quarterback B-Back A-Back Receiver Center Guard Tackle
Triple Steps Veer Path Arc Near Deep Veer Base Veer
Mid Steps Mid Path Load Cutoff Ace Ace Base
Follow Steps Pass Path Twirl Vert Slide Veer Scoop
Pass Steps #3 Pitch Skinny Base Slide Fan
Counter Steps Sprint Path Vert Drag Down Deucecom Slide
Zone Steps   Wheel Fade Scoop Down Deucecom
Toss Steps   Pitch-Kick Flash Gate Superscoop Superscoop
Vert Steps   Toss Path     Scoop Gate
Sprint Steps   Option     Gate  

Spend time working on these before installing more run constraints and West-Coast style passing routes into your Triple Option Offense.

Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches

2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella
