How Midline Triple is the New Counter Option

How Midline Triple is the New Counter Option


Midline Triple and Counter Option have tremendous similarities.

The big difference is that it’s tremendously easier to block Midline Triple than Counter Option.

Let’s take a look at the action of Counter Option:

Counter Option v. 3-4/50. PR- Deep Defender PA- Twirl 3 PT- Base-Deucecom (v. 2/3) PG- Base-Deucecom (v. 2/3)-Down (v. 1/2i) C- Base-Back BG- Scoop 1 BT- Base BA- Pitch BR- Cutoff Q- Counter Steps B- Veer Away Path

Counter Option v. 3-4/50.
PR- Deep Defender
PA- Twirl 3
PT- Base-Deucecom (v. 2/3)
PG- Base-Deucecom (v. 2/3)-Down (v. 1/2i)
C- Base-Back
BG- Scoop 1
BT- Base
BA- Pitch
BR- Cutoff
Q- Counter Steps
B- Veer Away Path

Now, let’s take a look at Midline Triple:

  • The Playside Receiver has the same assignment on both concepts.
  • The Playside A has the same assignment on both concepts.
  • The Playside Tackle can now simply veer on Midline Triple.
  • The Playside Guard has one fewer option on Midline Triple.
  • The Center can Backside Ace the A-gap with the Backside Guard instead of Base–this is the benefit of Midline Triple.
  • The Backside Guard can Ace the A-gap with the Center instead of that difficult Scoop on 1–another benefit of Midline Triple.
  • The Backside Tackle Scoops instead of bases on Midline Triple.
  • The Backside A and Receiver has the same assignment on both concepts.

Now, the action between the Quarterback and the B-Back is a legitimate action as compared to a weak fake on Counter Option.

How is Counter Option any more of a counter than Midline Triple?

The answer is–it’s not… and Midline Triple is far easier to block.


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