Running Triple Option versus Cloud Coverage

Running Triple Option versus Cloud Coverage

The job of the Playside Receiver is to block the defender who drops into the zone over the top of him. As this occurs, the job of the Playside A is to drop-cross-run and trap the 1st threat who appears in the alley. When these rules are followed, Cloud coverage is thwarted. This diagram shows […]

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Midline Triple versus 4-4

Midline Triple versus 4-4

When the Will Linebacker runs over the top on Triple, utilize the Midline Triple to constrain him and prevent him from running to the playside. Here’s how Navy runs their Midline Triple Option: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System […]

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Double Flex Triple Pass versus the 4-3 Defense

Double Flex Triple Pass versus the 4-3 Defense

Out of Double Flex, the Triple Pass can be a great weapon, especially when the defense sacrifices pass coverage for run support. Versus a 4-3 Defense, the Playside Receiver bends between both Safeties. The Playside A runs a wheel and the Backside Receiver runs a vertical to hold the other safety. Here’s what Double Flex, […]

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The Backside Tackle Scoop Blocking the 4i

The Backside Tackle Scoop Blocking the 4i

On all major run concepts in the Triple Option Offense (Triple, Midline, Rocket), the Backside Tackle’s responsibility is to Scoop the threat in his gap. When he has a 4i, he must Scoop this defender. This is how he does so: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come […]

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Blocking Midline the Same as Triple Option versus Odd Fronts

Blocking Midline the Same as Triple Option versus Odd Fronts

Midline Triple Option can be blocked the same way as Triple Option. This is due to the fact that the Guard is uncovered and the Mike has a direct release to the Mike, and this is demonstrated here versus a 50 defense: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have […]

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Drastically Improving Rocket Toss Technique

Drastically Improving Rocket Toss Technique

These three drills show you how to improve all 11 players and their technique on the Rocket Toss: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System Over the Last Four Years Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. Lou Cella, is a […]

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Constraining the Action Key and the Mike with Double Flex, Triple GT vs. 50

Constraining the Action Key and the Mike with Double Flex, Triple GT vs. 50

When the Mike and/or the Action Key are too tough to block on the dive, get into Double Flex and run Triple GT. Here, the Playside Guard and Tackle pull and block the perimeter with the Playside A. The Playside Receiver down blocks the inside threat. GT can be run when the Action Key is […]

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Destroying Nine-Man Fronts with Four Verticals

Destroying Nine-Man Fronts with Four Verticals

This diagram shows you how: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System Over the Last Four Years Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. Lou Cella, is a Sports Performance Specialist, and a 20-year coaching veteran of the college and high […]

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Double Flex Triple G versus the Odd Stack (3-3-5/3-5-3/5-3)

Double Flex Triple G versus the Odd Stack (3-3-5/3-5-3/5-3)

Triple G is designed to take advantage of an Odd Front Defense who plays #1 on the Quarterback and #2 on the Pitch. The Playside Guard pulls and loads #2 here. This diagram shows you how everything transpires: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. […]

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Triple Pass “Jarmon” Takes Advantage of a Bailing Safety

Triple Pass “Jarmon” Takes Advantage of a Bailing Safety

The reason for running Triple Pass is to throw over the Safety’s head when the Safety sacrifices pass coverage for Run Support. So, if the Safety doesn’t, you can still run Triple Pass by tagging the word, “Jarmon.” These diagrams show you what “Jarmon” does to this safety. Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and […]

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