Midline Lead versus 6-2

Midline Lead versus 6-2

Midline is a great way to attack a 3-technique especially when #1 is playing the Quarterback. Here is an example of Midline Lead in action: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System Over the Last Four Years Triple Option Football […]

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Attacking Defenses from Balanced Formations with the Triple Option Offense

Attacking Defenses from Balanced Formations with the Triple Option Offense

The two most common balanced formations in the Triple Option Offense are the Spread formation and the Double Flex Formation. When utilizing balanced formations in the Triple Option Offense, do the following to attack defenses: 1. See if the defense is aligning in a balanced alignment and run to the side that has fewer defenders. 2. […]

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Georgia Tech’s Counter Keep versus 4-3

Georgia Tech’s Counter Keep versus 4-3

Counter Keep was run today (11/8/14) by Georgia Tech’s Offense versus NC State. This is another way to constrain the Will Linebacker when he runs over the top to tackle the B-Back on Triple Option. Here’s what transpires: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. […]

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Triple Pass versus the 4-3 Defense

Triple Pass versus the 4-3 Defense

The following is the Triple Pass versus 4-3 Defense, which has the goal of throwing over the top of the safety when the safety sacrifices pass coverage for run support: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System Over the Last […]

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Triple Tackle versus the Okie Dog Pinch

Triple Tackle versus the Okie Dog Pinch

When the Mike Linebacker is scraping over the top on Triple, have the Playside Receiver and Tackle switch assignments with the “Tackle” tag on Triple Option. Here, the Playside Receiver blocks the Mike and the Tackle blocks the Deep Defender. Now, the Mike can’t get over the top to take the pitch on Triple. This […]

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Midline Lead versus 4-3 with #1 on the Quarterback

Midline Lead versus 4-3 with #1 on the Quarterback

When #1 is the Quarterback player versus a 4-3 defense, fan him and run up inside with Midline Lead. Here, the 3-technique is unblocked and is made wrong by the Quarterback. The player responsible for the Quarterback is fanned out by the Playside Tackle, which is an easy block for the PT. This is what […]

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Double Flex Triple Option versus Odd Stack

Double Flex Triple Option versus Odd Stack

The following diagram demonstrates how to run Double Flex Triple Option versus the Odd Stack Defense: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System Over the Last Four Years Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. Lou Cella, is a Sports Performance […]

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Loading #1 with Double Flex Triple Blast

Loading #1 with Double Flex Triple Blast

Double Flex Triple Blast is a double option scheme where the Receiver will block down on #1 and the Quarterback options off #2. Also, the Triple Option Offense wants to run this when a linebacker walks #2 onto the line.  Then, #2 gets blasted by the Receiver and #1 gets optioned.  This is beneficial because the […]

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Triple Pass Waggle versus 4-4

Triple Pass Waggle versus 4-4

Georgia Tech ran a variation of this on Saturday night. Triple Pass Waggle is another way to constrain the Will Linebacker who continues to tackle the B-Back on Triple. The Waggle, a concept invented by the University of Delaware coaching staff in 1968, puts the defense, including the Will, in conflict. Here is how everything […]

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Another Benefit of Double Flex… Running Triple Blast versus Dominant Action Key

Another Benefit of Double Flex… Running Triple Blast versus Dominant Action Key

When the Center and Guard cannot block the Action Key (first down lineman inside of #1) on the dive, take the dive phase out with Double Flex, Triple Blast. Here, the Playside Receiver blocks down on #1 or #2 (whoever is inside of him) and the Quarterback has a Double Option with the Backside A-Back […]

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