Triple Option Football Academy Playbook: Lead (Midline Double) versus 50 Eagle

Triple Option Football Academy Playbook: Lead (Midline Double) versus 50 Eagle

When running Triple, if a 3-technique and a Playside Safety appear to the call side, the concept defaults to Lead (Midline Double). Versus a 50 Eagle situation, this is exactly the case. The following is Lead versus the 50 Eagle defense. High school football defenses predominantly focus on cancelling the dive when facing the Triple […]

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The Center’s Seven Blocks in the Triple Option Offense

The Center’s Seven Blocks in the Triple Option Offense

In the Triple Option Offense, the Center has seven blocks that he must master. These seven blocks are the following: 1-  2-  3- 4-  5-  6-  7-  Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella

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Seven Ways to be the Life-Changer Coach with the Triple Option

Seven Ways to be the Life-Changer Coach with the Triple Option

There are seven ways to change lives and be the agent of change as a Triple Option Football Coach.  Here is the process:  1-      Positive Perspective Highlight the daily improvement players make within the Triple Option Offense, identify the mistakes, and energetically acknowledge when corrections are made with players. 2-      Physical Exercise Players need to […]

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Triple Option Football Academy Playbook: Zone Option versus Split 4-4

Triple Option Football Academy Playbook: Zone Option versus Split 4-4

Zone Option is run when the Action Key or Mike make the tackle on the B-Back. The following is how to execute Zone Option: Playside Receiver- Near Deep Defender Playside A– Inside Linebacker Playside Tackle- Veer to Scoop (versus 5-technique) Playside Guard, Center, Backside Guard, Backside Tackle- Scoop Backside A- Pitch Backside Receiver- Cutoff Quarterback- Zone Steps B- #3 In the past, the […]

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Congratulations to Coach Brent Thompson and Lou Conte–New Assistant Football Coaches at the Citadel!

Congratulations to Coach Brent Thompson and Lou Conte–New Assistant Football Coaches at the Citadel!

I would like to offer congratulations to both Brent Thompson and Lou Conte for their appointment as assistant coaches at the Citadel. Both Brent and Lou have run camps for me in the past.  They did outstanding, and I mean outstanding, work. Congratulations to Brent and Lou!  Go Bulldogs! –Lou Triple Option Football Academy — […]

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How to Combat the 12 Greatest Potential Triple Option Haters

How to Combat the 12 Greatest Potential Triple Option Haters

Triple Option Coaches—are you mentally tough? Today, more than ever, you are challenged like no other job. Because you are involved in an emotional activity with obsessed, passionate, and fanatical people, you are challenged more than ever. Triple Option Football Coaches today, need more work on mental growth and toughness than how to run the […]

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Quarterback Progression on Lead (Midline Double)

Quarterback Progression on Lead (Midline Double)

When Triple Option is called and a 3-technique plus a safety appear to the call side, the Triple defaults to Lead (Midline Double). The following is the Quarterback’s progression on Lead (Midline Double): 1- Take the snap. 2- Seat the ball. 3- Hop both feet into the backside A-gap. 4- Point the ball. 5- Give […]

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Triple Option Football Offense Versus Bear Defense Compilation

Triple Option Football Offense Versus Bear Defense Compilation

The following are Triple Option Offensive concepts executed versus the Bear Defense:                         Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella

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Playside A-Back Blocking Process on Triple Option

Playside A-Back Blocking Process on Triple Option

On Triple Option, the Playside A-Back’s assignment is #3. He dropstep-crossover-runs and blocks whoever shows up in the alley (this is #3) UNLESS… #3 is already in the middle of the field pre-snap. If this occurs, the Playside A-Back LOADS #3. Here is the Playside A-Back’s Process on Triple Option. This is why the count […]

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Triple Option Offensive Drill Compilation

Triple Option Offensive Drill Compilation

The following is a Triple Option Offensive Drill Compilation:                                         Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella

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