Here’s a Great Example of How to Utilize Heavy in the Triple Option Offense

Here’s a Great Example of How to Utilize Heavy in the Triple Option Offense

The following demonstrates examples of how to utilize Heavy in the Triple Option Offense:                         Heavy works very well on the Goal-line and versus Odd front defenses with one high safety (Odd Stack).  The reason why is because an extra gap is created. Triple […]

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Triple Option Football Formational Checklist

Triple Option Football Formational Checklist

The following are all the Triple Option Offensive formations and how they are best utilized:             Double Flex. This formation is utilized to run Rocket better versus the blitz.         Utilize this article as a guide in 2014 when running the Triple Option Offense. Disclaimer: Practice situational […]

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Playside Receiver Near Deep Defender Blocking Progression on Triple Option

Playside Receiver Near Deep Defender Blocking Progression on Triple Option

The Playside Receiver’s assignment on ALL Triple Option concepts is to block the Near Deep Defender.  The following shows you how to do this:   Utilize this article to teach your Playside Receivers how to block the Near Deep Defender in 2014. Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches 2014 Triple Option Football […]

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Zone Option Basics

Zone Option Basics

The Zone Option is run when the Action Key or Mike Linebacker are making the tackle on Triple/Midline. This is the concept that best constrains them. Here is how to run the Zone Option. (Note the adjustment made in 2013 by Navy and Georgia Southern with the B-Back and the Playside A) Playside Receiver- Near Deep […]

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How Much Do You Know About Your Most Important Offensive Lineman–The Center? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz Answers

How Much Do You Know About Your Most Important Offensive Lineman–The Center? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz Answers

The quiz can be found here. 1- Veer to Ace 2- Ace (Reverse) 3- Ace (Reverse) 4- Scoop 5- Scoop 6- Base to Down 7- Base to Ace 8- Backside A-gap to first threat off Backside Tackle 9- Gate (Playside A-gap) 10- Backside A-gap to first threat off Backside Tackle Triple Option Football Academy — […]

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How Much Do You Know About Your Most Important Offensive Lineman–The Center? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz

How Much Do You Know About Your Most Important Offensive Lineman–The Center? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz

In the Triple Option Offense, the Center has more physical responsibility than any other Offensive Lineman. This is because he is up on the football, while the Guards and Tackles are set 1 1/2 deep. The following are 10 questions about the Center position in the Triple Option Offense: 1- What is the Center’s assignment […]

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Triple Option Football Academy Playbook: Spread Formation Alignments

Triple Option Football Academy Playbook: Spread Formation Alignments

The Spread Formation is the default formation in the Triple Option Offense. Here is how all 11 players align in the Spread Formation. Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella

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The Triple Option Offense Leads College Football with the Least Number of Turnovers

The Triple Option Offense Leads College Football with the Least Number of Turnovers

The triple-option is often considered football’s high-wire act, a risk-laced offense predicated on sleight-of-hand fakes and precision pitches on the fly. So how is it that Navy, an option team to its core, is tied for fewest turnovers per game in NCAA football in 2013? The Dallas Morning News tells you why. Triple Option Football […]

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Triple Option Football Academy Playbook: Four Verticals out of Trips versus Quarters Coverage

Triple Option Football Academy Playbook: Four Verticals out of Trips versus Quarters Coverage

Four Verticals is a tremendously effective concept for Triple Option Teams because they blow the top off the defensive coverage. A common way to defend the Triple Option is Quarters Coverage.  This is the most common way colleges defend the Triple Option so that they don’t sacrifice pass coverage for run support. Here’s how Four Verticals […]

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Want to Control Outside Pass Rushers on 3rd and 10?  Just Run Triple

Want to Control Outside Pass Rushers on 3rd and 10? Just Run Triple

Here’s the big idea. You are playing a team that has an overwhelming pass rush.  Other teams on your schedule can’t protect their Quarterback.  They are getting into the backfield off the edge every time.  There’s only one way to stop this pass rush. Just run Triple. You’ll be reading the C and D-gap player. […]

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