Navy’s Top Run Concepts Through their First 10 Games of 2015

Navy’s Top Run Concepts Through their First 10 Games of 2015


Navy is 9-1 through their first 10 games of 2015, and they are nationally ranked.

In 2015, they have executed 659 plays.  

The following is what they are doing to become successful with their 335 yards/game rushing offense:

1- Triple Option- 153/659 (23% of offense)

Triple v. 3-4 PR- Deep Defender PA- 3 PT- Veer PG- Base to Ace C- Scoop to Ace BG/BT- Scoop BA- Pitch BR- Cutoff Q- Veer 1, Pitch 2 B- Veer Path

Triple v. 3-4
PR- Deep Defender
PA- 3
PT- Veer
PG- Base to Ace
C- Scoop to Ace
BG/BT- Scoop
BA- Pitch
BR- Cutoff
Q- Veer 1, Pitch 2
B- Veer Path


2- Zone Option- 73/659 (11% of offense)

Zone Option versus Okie Dog Pinch. #1 goes inside to the Guard, the Playside Linebacker is walled by the Playside A and the ball is pitched off #2.

Zone Option versus Okie Dog Pinch. #1 goes inside to the Guard, the Playside Linebacker is walled by the Playside A and the ball is pitched off #2.


3- Zone Dive- 51/659 (8% of offense)

Zone Dive. PR- Deep Defender PA- Fold PT- Base PG- Base to Ace C- Veer to Ace BG/BT- Scoop BA- Pitch BR- Cutoff Q- Veer Steps--Give B- Veer Path

Zone Dive.
PR- Deep Defender
PA- Fold
PT- Base
PG- Base to Ace
C- Veer to Ace
BG/BT- Scoop
BA- Pitch
BR- Cutoff
Q- Veer Steps–Give
B- Veer Path


4- Midline Triple- 36/659 (5% of offense)

Midline Triple v. 4-4 PR- Deep Defender PA- Twirl-Run Support PT- Veer PG- Veer C/BG- Reverse Ace BT- Scoop BA- Pitch BR- Cutoff Q- Mid 1, Pitch 2 B- Mid Path

Midline Triple v. 4-4
PR- Deep Defender
PA- Twirl-Run Support
PT- Veer
PG- Veer
C/BG- Reverse Ace
BT- Scoop
BA- Pitch
BR- Cutoff
Q- Mid 1, Pitch 2
B- Mid Path


5- Outside Veer Give- 34/659 (5% of offense)


6- Belly- 34/659 (5% of offense)


7- Rocket- 28/659 (4% of offense)


8- Midline White- 26/659 (4% of offense)

Notable information.  In 2007, during Navy’s final season with Paul Johnson as Head Football Coach, Navy ran Triple Option 27% of time, Zone Dive 14% of time, Midline (all variations) 11% of time, Rocket 11% of time, and Counter Option 7% of the time.

Triple Option remains consistent with the 2007 average.  

Midline (all variations) is consistent with the 2007 average.

Zone Dive has been run less; however, Outside Veer Give and Belly have been run along with the Zone Dive in an effort to keep #1 off the B-Back.

Rocket is executed far less than in 2007; however, with the emergence of the Zone Option, now there are two ways to get the ball outside when #1 doesn’t cancel the B-Back.

Counter Option has only been run nine (9) times all season.   This is 1% of the total Navy Offense.


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