How the Backside A-Back Blocks Midline Lead: Progression

How the Backside A-Back Blocks Midline Lead: Progression

The following shows you how: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System In Four Years Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. Lou Cella, is a Sports Performance Specialist, and a 20-year coaching veteran of thecollege and high school level.   Dr. […]

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Heavy Down vs. 50 Defense

Heavy Down vs. 50 Defense

If #1 is cancelling the B-Back, align in Heavy, and run the Down.  This takes advantage of the void created when #1 moves all the way down to cancel the B-Back. Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System In Four Years […]

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Double Teaming the Action Key on Triple Option

Double Teaming the Action Key on Triple Option

The following diagram show how to double the Action Key on the Triple Option–vertical movement is key!   Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System In Four Years Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. Lou Cella, is a Sports Performance Specialist, […]

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How to Drill the Triple Option with All Six Skill Positions

How to Drill the Triple Option with All Six Skill Positions

The below-listed diagram shows you how to run the Triple Option drill: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System In Four Years Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. Lou Cella, is a Sports Performance Specialist, and a 20-year coaching veteran of thecollege […]

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Utilizing Zone Dive with Fold Technique

Utilizing Zone Dive with Fold Technique

When #1 cancels the B-Back, on the next play, the Playside Tackle expands his split and blocks him while the Playside A takes the adjacent gap. Versus a 5-technique as #1, the Playside Tackle oversplits and bases the 5 while the Playside A takes the B-gap in case there is an Easy Stunt (2-1 exchange) […]

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Scoop Blocking a Shaded Defender

Scoop Blocking a Shaded Defender

An example of this is when the Backside Tackle is assigned to Scoop Block a 4i on Triple Option.  The below-listed diagram shows you how: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System In Four Years Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. […]

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15 Tips for Running a Triple Option Offensive Program in 2015

15 Tips for Running a Triple Option Offensive Program in 2015

15 Tips for Running a Triple Option Offensive Program in 2015 1.       No-huddle during practice.  Full-speed game situation repetitions lead to procedural conditioning and more data on each player. 2.       The Triple Option constantly creates responses to the void that #1 and #2 create.  This is an undefinable play and the undefinable play is the future […]

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Dominating the A-gap Defender and the Mike on Triple Option

Dominating the A-gap Defender and the Mike on Triple Option

When the Center and Guard step toward the A-gap defender, punch his stomach, put their knee through his belly button and pound their arches, they cancel him from making the Tackle. The Playside Tackle steps-dips-rips, punches the Mike’s stomach, puts his knee through the Mike’s belly button, and pounds his arches in order to keep […]

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Introduced in 2014… Georgia Tech’s Counter Keep

Introduced in 2014… Georgia Tech’s Counter Keep

Justin Thomas, Quarterback at Georgia Tech ran this very well last year. When the Will Linebacker tackles the B-Back, Counter Keep can be an effective constraint.  Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System In Four Years Triple Option Football Academy Owner, […]

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Install the Triple Option the Right Way the First Time

Install the Triple Option the Right Way the First Time

Install the Triple Option the Right Way the First Time Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System Over the Last Four Years Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. Lou Cella, is a Sports Performance Specialist, and a 20-year coaching veteran […]

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