The Three-Day Installation of the Triple Option Offense: Part Three- Installing the Triple Pass
February 14, 2016
In Triple Option Football Academy Owner-Camp Director, Lou Cella’s specialization in running Triple Option camps, he has installed the Triple Option with high schools of all shapes and sizes. This includes schools with rosters in the teens and schools with rosters near 100.When installing the Triple Option system, this is the qualitative data resulting from the three-day installation of the Triple Option Offense.3. Triple Pass
Requires 1-2 hours of deliberate practice.
Key notes: This is the fourth phase of the Triple Option (Dive, Keep, Pitch, and Pass). The Quarterback and perimeter are the greatest factors in determining the speed of movement through the process.
Take the guesswork out of running the Flexbone Triple Option offense. Join the Triple Option Football Academy today and build your program into a championship contender!