Run __________ Because #1 Takes the Quarterback on Triple

Run __________ Because #1 Takes the Quarterback on Triple


There are two fill-ins to the above-listed blank.

If you run Triple Option and #1 takes the Quarterback, the defense is boxing you inside.  

There are two things you can do to thwart the defense.

1- Run Rocket Toss — This gets the ball outside.

PR- Deep Defender PA/PT/PG- Arc C/BG/BT- Scoop BA- Rocket BR- Cutoff Q- Rocket Steps B- Rocket Path

PR- Deep Defender
C/BG/BT- Scoop
BA- Rocket
BR- Cutoff
Q- Rocket Steps
B- Rocket Path


2. Run Zone Option — This gets the ball outside in the form of the two-way option.

Zone Option vs. 4-4

Zone Option vs. 4-4


Get a taste of SUCCESS! Call the Triple Option Football Academy at 570.332.0265 and we can get to the next level with the Triple Option.






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