You Win with a Dominant Running Game

You Win with a Dominant Running Game


The Triple Option is the most dominant run offense in college football.  

For those who aren’t certain why the Triple Option works, here’s why:

Triple Option versus 50 Defense—You don’t have to block those in white, they will always be wrong, and they cannot make the tackle.

Four of the front five on the Defensive Linemen are untouched and are unable to make the tackle on the running play.  The Quarterback cancels the playside while the backside is too far removed to get involved on the tackle.

Can you imagine running an offense where you can do this?

The offense has been around since 1965, so obviously, it’s not going anywhere…

Call the Triple Option Football Academy at 570.332.0265 and dominate the running game in 2016.

Take the guesswork out of running the Flexbone Triple Option offense. Join the Triple Option Football Academy today and build your program into a championship contender!
