Drilling the Triple Option Quarterback Against the Only Two Stunts That Matter

Drilling the Triple Option Quarterback Against the Only Two Stunts That Matter


When running the Triple Option, there are only two stunts the defense can do that can truly effect the Quarterback on Triple Option:

1- Blood Stunt

Stopping the Triple with the Blood Stunt

2- Easy Stunt

The Easy Stunt with Blood Stunt-Like Speed. Quarterback takes the snap, seats the ball, hops into the Playside A-gap, points the ball, gives to the B, unless 2 runs through the B or 1 can tackle the B. If so, the Quarterback reseats the ball, steps with his playside foot, replaces #1 and scores unless #2 steps at him. If so, the Quarterback parallel pitches. The key to this drill is to make the Quarterback urgently and accurately pitch the ball. Whoever is responsible for the Quarterback is running a straight line to get to him in order to make him pitch.

The following is the procedure when #1 and #2 are on the line of scrimmage.

1- Take the snap.

2- Jump into the A-Gap.

3- Point the ball.

4- Give to B unless #1 cancels B.

5- If so, re-seat ball, step with playside foot, replace #1 and score UNLESS

6- #2 steps at Q… if so, parallel pitch.

This is how to beat the BLOOD STUNT.

The following is the procedure when #1 and #2 are stacked.

1- Take the snap.

2- Jump into the A-gap.

3- Point the ball.

4- Give to B unless #2 runs through B or #1 cancels B.

5- If so, re-seat ball, step with playside foot, replace #1 and score UNLESS

6- The other member of the stack steps at Q… if so, parallel pitch.

This is how to beat the EASY STUNT.

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