August 27, 2016
When running Triple Option, the Playside A is responsible for #3 (run support).
Here is Triple Option versus Triple Stack with the Playside A blocking #3.
If the Playside A cannot block the overhang, run Triple Load. In the Georgia Tech/Navy vernacular, this is 12/13 Load (12 is to the right). Now, the Playside A blocks the Playside Linebacker to the Free Safety. The Quarterback is responsible for canceling the overhang because #3 now becomes #2 in the count. The Playside A will make a “LION” call to tell the Playside Tackle that the Playside Tackle is veering inside and has Playside Linebacker to Free Safety.
Triple Load versus Triple Stack. Now, the overhang is #2 in the count and belongs to the Quarterback. The 40 technique and the Free Safety belong to the Playside A-Back and the Free Safety.
Call Triple Load (12/13 Load) when your Playside A can’t block #3 in a Triple Stack defense.