100% of Dr. Cella’s 2016 Camp Clients Preferred This Concept

100% of Dr. Cella’s 2016 Camp Clients Preferred This Concept

At Dr. Cella’s 2016 Triple Option Football Academy Camps, every, single client preferred running ____________ instead of _____________. This article discusses exactly which concept this is, how to run this concept, and why you run this concept. Read all about it right here. Triple Option Football Academy Triple Option Football Academy Camps

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Five Top Flexbone Triple Option Football Strategies from Paul Johnson

Five Top Flexbone Triple Option Football Strategies from Paul Johnson

Listed below are five top Triple Option Offensive strategies from Georgia Tech Head Football Coach, Paul Johnson: https://tripleoptionfootball.com/2014/12/15/paul-johnson-triple-option-strategy-lesson-1/ https://tripleoptionfootball.com/2014/12/16/paul-johnson-triple-option-strategy-lesson-2/ https://tripleoptionfootball.com/2014/12/17/paul-johnson-triple-option-strategy-lesson-3/ https://tripleoptionfootball.com/2014/12/18/paul-johnson-triple-option-strategy-lesson-4/ https://tripleoptionfootball.com/2014/12/19/paul-johnson-triple-option-strategy-lesson-5/ Learn how to install the Triple Option right here. Get the Triple Option installed with you, your coaches, and your players this summer–go here.

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Paul Johnson’s Answer When the Overhang is Keying the A-Back

Paul Johnson’s Answer When the Overhang is Keying the A-Back

Georgia Tech Head Football Coach, Paul Johnson, has an answer when the overhang player follows the Playside A-Back. He uses the overhang’s aggressiveness against the overhang. Read how Paul Johnson takes advantage of an overhang who follows the A-Back right here. Learn how to install the Army-Navy/Georgia Tech Triple Option Offense the right way the […]

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Navy’s Answers When #1 Takes the Quarterback on Triple Option

Navy’s Answers When #1 Takes the Quarterback on Triple Option

Navy’s Offensive Coordinator, Ivin Jasper has answers to all the problems that can occur within the Triple Option Offense. When Navy is forced to give the ball and they don’t get four yards on the give, Coach Jasper has answers to take advantage of the defense. Read about what Navy does right here. Triple Option […]

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Paul Johnson Says to Run Double Option When __________ Happens

Paul Johnson Says to Run Double Option When __________ Happens

Coach Paul Johnson says to run Double Option in one, exact specific situation. Double options force the defense to defend the Quarterback when the defense is forcing give reads on Triple Option. The article below discusses when Coach Johnson advocates running Double Option: Read all about Double Option and when to run it right here. […]

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Common Flexbone Triple Option Communication Errors and How to Avoid Them

Common Flexbone Triple Option Communication Errors and How to Avoid Them

Proper communication when teaching the Triple Option is vital. The Triple Option Offense is a highly-technical offense, and in teaching the Triple Option, there is great importance to get the Triple Option installed the right way the first time. This article shows you how to create a culture of mindfulness during the Triple Option Offense installation process. […]

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Seven Steps in Teaching the Triple Option to First-Time Triple Option Coaches

Seven Steps in Teaching the Triple Option to First-Time Triple Option Coaches

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The Heavy Formation in the Triple Option Offense

The Heavy Formation in the Triple Option Offense

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Three Ways to Modernize Your Flexbone Triple Option Offense

Three Ways to Modernize Your Flexbone Triple Option Offense

In 2016, there were some unique developments in the Triple Option Offense. Army, Navy, and Georgia Tech all had great seasons, and they all had similar methodologies; however, there were some differences. This article shows you the differences, and how these differences can modernize your Triple Option Offense. Read all about how to modernize your […]

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How Georgia Tech Runs the Down (Belly-G) and Did So Almost 20 Times in One Game

How Georgia Tech Runs the Down (Belly-G) and Did So Almost 20 Times in One Game

The Down (Belly-G) has been a short yardage concept of Navy and Georgia Tech since Paul Johnson arrived at both school. Navy and Georgia Tech run the Down out of the Heavy Formation. Learn how Georgia Tech once ran Down almost 20 times in a game right here. Learn how to install the Triple Option […]

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