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Follow Dr. Lou Cella and the Triple Option Football Academy on Social Media

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Ball Security is the Cornerstone of the Flexbone Triple Option Offense

Ball Security is the Cornerstone of the Flexbone Triple Option Offense

Bill Belichick makes the following points regarding ball security: “As a coach, you decide who gets the ball.  As a coach, you show your players how to carry the ball.  Every single person of the team, the owner, the ballboy, and the people in the stands depend on your ball security.” Navy started doing a Ball […]

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Five Areas to Stop Overcoaching When Running the Flexbone Triple Option Offense

Five Areas to Stop Overcoaching When Running the Flexbone Triple Option Offense

Sometimes too much information becomes bad information.  Many Flexbone Triple Option Offensive techniques require an approach that can be taught to players in one sentence.  This way, players can develop visual pictures in their minds of how to accurately technique their assignment. All Triple Option techniques are VERY important… it’s the manner in how others […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Playcalling in Reality

Flexbone Triple Option Playcalling in Reality

Get rid of all your “if-then” charts you got from the Internet coaching experts who hide behind their keyboard. Dr. Cella works directly with the Division-1 Triple Option schools and gives you the real answers to playcalling the Triple Option Offense. Playcalling the Triple Option is not as complicated as you would think. Learn how […]

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Running the No-Huddle Triple Option Offense

Running the No-Huddle Triple Option Offense

All the major Division-1 Triple Option schools are huddling less every year. There are many reasons why. Tempo is one of the reasons. Not having to huddle during practice is another–this gives the offense more opportunities for more reps. Also, not huddling is one less thing to teach. This article shows you how to run […]

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2017 Mesh Point Football Clinic is Now at the Heritage Hotel in Lancaster, PA Next Friday and Saturday

2017 Mesh Point Football Clinic is Now at the Heritage Hotel in Lancaster, PA Next Friday and Saturday

The 2017 Mesh Point Football Clinic has been moved from Columbia High School to the Heritage Hotel in Lancaster, PA. This clinic is held next Friday and Saturday.   The clinic features Navy Prep Offensive Coordinator, Jason MacDonald; Jacksonville University Assistant, Trent Steelman; Salisbury University Offensive Coordinator, Ryan Fleetwood, and others as well. Contact Anthony […]

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The Truth About Zone Dive as a Constraint in the Flexbone Triple Option Offense

The Truth About Zone Dive as a Constraint in the Flexbone Triple Option Offense

Many high school coaches run the Zone Dive because they “need to take pressure off the Quarterback so he doesn’t have to read every time.” Navy doesn’t believe in this safe space, mollycoddling, nanny state of coaching.  Their core value is to “read their way out” so that they can cancel two point of attack Defensive […]

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Triple Pass and its Components

Triple Pass and its Components

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Triple Option Offensive Breakdown of Navy’s 2016 Win Versus Notre Dame

Triple Option Offensive Breakdown of Navy’s 2016 Win Versus Notre Dame

Navy beat Notre Dame in 2016. Navy has zero scholarship football players. Notre Dame’s has 85 scholarship football players. How does a football program with zero scholarships beat a football program with 85 scholarships? This is very simple–with the Triple Option Offense. The offensive breakdown of Navy’s 2016 victory over Notre Dame is found right here.  

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The Backside Tackle Has TWO Responsibilities in the Triple Option Offense

The Backside Tackle Has TWO Responsibilities in the Triple Option Offense

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