Video: Always Practice v. This Defensive Alignment When Running the Triple

Video: Always Practice v. This Defensive Alignment When Running the Triple

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Every Offensive Touchdown from Georgia Tech’s 66-Point Performance at Virginia Tech (2018)

Every Offensive Touchdown from Georgia Tech’s 66-Point Performance at Virginia Tech (2018)

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Comparing Five Key Rushing Stats Among Army, Georgia Tech, and Navy through Week 10 of 2018

Comparing Five Key Rushing Stats Among Army, Georgia Tech, and Navy through Week 10 of 2018

Army averages the following: 67 runs/game. 307 yards rushing/game. 4.6 yards/run. They run the football 89% of the time. 78% of their offense comes from running the football. Georgia Tech averages the following: 62 runs/game. 369 yards rushing/game. 6 yards/run. They run the football 86% of the time. 81% of their offense comes from running […]

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Video: How to Get Good Fast Running the Triple

Video: How to Get Good Fast Running the Triple

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Complete Breakdown of Army, Navy, and Georgia Tech’s 1929 Plays this Season (Through Week 10 of 2018)

Complete Breakdown of Army, Navy, and Georgia Tech’s 1929 Plays this Season (Through Week 10 of 2018)

Army, Navy, and Georgia Tech have run 1929 Plays through Week 9 of 2018. On average, Army, Navy, and Tech run these three concepts 32 times/game and 45% of Army, Navy, and Georgia Tech’s Offense through Week 10 of 2018 is the following: 1. Zone/Speed Option (all variations)- 350 (18% of Offense) 2. Triple Option- […]

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2018 Navy Triple Option Offensive Breakdown v. Cincinnati

2018 Navy Triple Option Offensive Breakdown v. Cincinnati

Navy- 0 v. Cincinnati- 42 Navy Total Plays Run- 54 59% of Navy’s Offense was the following: Triple Option- 15 Zone Option- 11 Triple Pass- 6 Other Plays Run: Zone Dive- 3 Counter Option- 2 Midline Triple- 5 Midline Twirl- 1 Follow- 1 Rocket- 3 Sneak- 1 Dropback Pass- 2 Midline Lead- 1 Rocket Boot […]

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Finally… Paul Johnson Invents the Zone Option Pass

Finally… Paul Johnson Invents the Zone Option Pass

Dr. Cella instructs how to run Zone Option Pass right here. At the :45 mark is video of the Zone Option Pass run by Georgia Tech for the touchdown v. North Carolina (2018).

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2018 Army West Point Triple Option Offensive Breakdown v. Air Force

2018 Army West Point Triple Option Offensive Breakdown v. Air Force

Army- 17 v. Air Force- 14 Notes: Army had a 21 play, 13-minute opening drive that lead to a touchdown. Army Offense Total Plays Run- 65 68% of Army’s Offense was the following: Zone/Speed Option- 19 Zone Belly- 18 Trap- 7 Other Plays Run: Triple Option- 2 Dropback Pass- 4 Q Draw- 1 Follow- 2 […]

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Video: Executing Rocket Boot

Video: Executing Rocket Boot

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2018 Georgia Triple Option Offensive Breakdown v. North Carolina

2018 Georgia Triple Option Offensive Breakdown v. North Carolina

Georgia Tech-38 v. North Carolina- 28 Georgia Tech Offense Total Plays Run- 76 58% of Georgia Tech’s Offense was the following: Zone/Speed Option- 16 Triple Option- 11 Rocket- 10 Zone Dive- 7 Other Plays Run: Trap- 2 Follow- 5 Double Option- 5 A-Counter- 5 Dropback Pass- 1 Q Draw- 1 Sneak- 1 Zone Option Pass- […]

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