How to Coach the Triple Option Offense All by Yourself

How to Coach the Triple Option Offense All by Yourself

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The Story of How the Triple Option Began

The Story of How the Triple Option Began

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Bear Bryant and the Triple Option

Bear Bryant and the Triple Option

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Video: Utilizing the Zone Dive the Right Way

Video: Utilizing the Zone Dive the Right Way

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Video: 8-Man Triple Option Alignment

Video: 8-Man Triple Option Alignment

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Who is Averaging 429 Yards/Game Rushing Through Week 2 of 2018?

Who is Averaging 429 Yards/Game Rushing Through Week 2 of 2018?

In their first two games, Georgia Tech has scored 79 points. attempted 111 rushes for 858 yards (7.73 yards/carry). scored 8 touchdowns.   and averaged 429 yards in their first two games. 80% of Georgia Tech’s 2018 rushing offense is the following five concepts: Triple Option- 32 times (29% of rushing offense/21% of overall offense) Follow- 16 […]

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Video: The Defender Who Makes the Most Tackles in the History of Paul Johnson’s Triple Option is…

Video: The Defender Who Makes the Most Tackles in the History of Paul Johnson’s Triple Option is…

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Fun Fact About Leading Rushers through Week 2 in 2018

Fun Fact About Leading Rushers through Week 2 in 2018

Georgia Tech, Navy, and Kennesaw State’s leading rusher through Week 2 of 2018 is their quarterback.

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Video: Dr. Cella Discusses the 442 Plays Army, Navy, and Georgia Tech have Executed through Week 2 of 2018

Video: Dr. Cella Discusses the 442 Plays Army, Navy, and Georgia Tech have Executed through Week 2 of 2018

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2018 Army West Point Triple Option Offensive Breakdown v. Liberty

2018 Army West Point Triple Option Offensive Breakdown v. Liberty

Army- 38 v. Liberty- 14 Total Plays Run- 82 2/3 of Army’s Offense was the following: Zone Dive- 15 Zone Option- 14 Zone Belly- 8 Trap- 7 Triple Option- 5 Rocket- 5 Other Plays Run Down (Belly-G)- 3 Sprint Out Pass- 2 Power- 5 Cowboy- 1 Sweep- 2 Counter Keep- 1 Sweep Keep- 1 Dropback […]

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