The Most Comprehensive A-Back Drill Video You’ll Ever See

The Most Comprehensive A-Back Drill Video You’ll Ever See

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Georgia Tech and Georgia Southern Triple Option Offensive Line Drills

Georgia Tech and Georgia Southern Triple Option Offensive Line Drills

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Watch Georgia Tech Skill Position Option Drills Right Here

Watch Georgia Tech Skill Position Option Drills Right Here

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You’ll Win More Games this Year if Do This…

You’ll Win More Games this Year if Do This…

Well coaches, it’s pretty simple. If you get movement on the action key, which is the first defensive lineman inside of the read, you have a 90+ percent chance of winning the football game. This is because once you move the action key one step beyond his God-given will, you clear the path for the […]

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Video: The ONE Defensive Situation Against which You Must Practice

Video: The ONE Defensive Situation Against which You Must Practice

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Video: Where the Triple Option Game is Won

Video: Where the Triple Option Game is Won

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Video: Double Flex Formation > Spread Formation

Video: Double Flex Formation > Spread Formation

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Video: You Must Establish the Perimeter to Establish the Verticals

Video: You Must Establish the Perimeter to Establish the Verticals

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Video: Utilizing Heavy Murg

Video: Utilizing Heavy Murg

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Running Midline Lead versus a 2i

Running Midline Lead versus a 2i

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