Video: Playside Receiver’s Four-Phase Triple Option Blocking Progression out of Double Flex

Video: Playside Receiver’s Four-Phase Triple Option Blocking Progression out of Double Flex

In this video, Dr. Cella discusses the playside receiver’s four-phase blocking progression on triple option out of the double flex formation.

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Video: Rocket Toss versus 6-2 Defense

Video: Rocket Toss versus 6-2 Defense

Dr. Cella discusses how to execute the rocket toss versus the 62 defense.

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Blocking the Perimeter versus Cloud Coverage on Triple Option

Blocking the Perimeter versus Cloud Coverage on Triple Option

The Playside A-Back takes three steps, traps the corner, and drives him out of bounds.  This clears the alley for the Backside A-Back on the pitch.

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Utilize the Arc Scheme versus the Odd Stack (3-3-5/3-5-3/5-3)

Utilize the Arc Scheme versus the Odd Stack (3-3-5/3-5-3/5-3)

If your A-Back can cancel #3 (overhang), feel free to utilize the Arc scheme on Triple Option.

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Here’s When You Load on Triple Option

Here’s When You Load on Triple Option

When #3 is already in the middle of the field pre-snap, the Playside A moves vertical and LOADS #3.

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Utilizing Freeze Fly to Catch the Defense Asleep versus a 50-50 Ball

Utilizing Freeze Fly to Catch the Defense Asleep versus a 50-50 Ball

Freeze Fly versus 4-4. After the A-Back motions and stops, the Center Snaps the ball.  As soon as this occurs, The Playside Receiver runs a Fly route while the Quarterback five-step drops and throws to his inside shoulder.

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Make them Pay for Not Covering the Flat

Make them Pay for Not Covering the Flat

Paul Johnson has utilized this concept for over 30 years when defenses don’t cover the flat on 3rd and medium.

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Taking Advantage of Defenses who Don’t Bring Defenders over to Your Three-Man Side

Taking Advantage of Defenses who Don’t Bring Defenders over to Your Three-Man Side

If the defense chooses to slide the free safety over to the 3-receiver side, throw the ball over the middle of the field.

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Running Zone Option out of Over

Running Zone Option out of Over

Against one-high safety defenses, this forces the defense to either bring a defender over from the backside to the playside or slide (which means they have a 1/2 man disadvantage).

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You Can Do This When the Mike Tackles the Dive on Triple

You Can Do This When the Mike Tackles the Dive on Triple

This is a constraint to take advantage of the Mike Tackling the B-Back on Triple Option.

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