This Offense Allows You to Cancel Four Defensive Linemen and Double the Fifth

This Offense Allows You to Cancel Four Defensive Linemen and Double the Fifth

Triple Option v. 50 Defense Makes Four Defensive Linemen Invisible

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Utilizing the “Eagle” Concept for Misdirection and to Cancel the Pass Rush

Utilizing the “Eagle” Concept for Misdirection and to Cancel the Pass Rush

Running Quarterback Draw Away From Motion

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Utilizing Follow when the Defense Forces a Pull Read

Utilizing Follow when the Defense Forces a Pull Read

Running Quarterback Follow versus the 6-2 Defense

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Working the First Phase of the Triple Option with the Quarterback

Working the First Phase of the Triple Option with the Quarterback

First-Time Triple Option Quarterback Running Triple Option versus a Live #1

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The Five Triple Option Offensive Situations that Matter: Video

The Five Triple Option Offensive Situations that Matter: Video

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Punishing the Backside Linebacker with Triple Pass Boot

Punishing the Backside Linebacker with Triple Pass Boot

Running Triple Boot versus 4-4 Defense

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Playactioning the Odd Stack (3-3-5/3-5-3/5-3) Defense

Playactioning the Odd Stack (3-3-5/3-5-3/5-3) Defense

Triple Pass versus the Triple Stack Defense

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The B-Back’s Path off the “Ace” Block

The B-Back’s Path off the “Ace” Block

The B-Back’s Path on Triple with a Center/Guard Double Team

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Four Situations to Get Your Triple Option Quarterback Ready Right Now

Four Situations to Get Your Triple Option Quarterback Ready Right Now

Utilize These Four Situations to Condition Your Triple Option Quarterback

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What the Playside Receiver Does on Triple Option versus No Deep Defender

What the Playside Receiver Does on Triple Option versus No Deep Defender

What the Playside Receiver Does on Triple Option versus No Deep Defender

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