May 13, 2019
1. Midline Triple
Double Flex Midline Triple
PR- #2 in triple count
PA- Twirl, Arc
PT- Pull, Block 1st threat
PG- Veer
C-BG- Reverse Ace
BT- Scoop
BA- Pitch
BR- Cutoff
Q- Mid 1, Pitch 2
B- Mid Path
2. Midline Lead
Midline Lead versus 6-2
PR- Deep Defender
PA- #2
PT- Fan #1
PG- Veer
C/BG- Ace
BT- Scoop
BA- Lead
BR- Cutoff
Q- Mid 1
B- Mid Path
3. Midline White (Playside A lateral steps and leads through the B-gap)
4. Midline Twirl (Playside A motions and leads through the B-gap)