The Navy Offense through 10/19/19

The Navy Offense through 10/19/19


The Navy Offense has run 399 plays and is 5-1 in 2019.  Here’s what the Navy Offense is doing to achieve this level of success.

Triple Option is their #1 concept.  They have run this 68 times (17% of offense).

Zone Option is their #2 concept.  They have run this 53 times (13% of offense).

Zone Dive is their #3 concept.  They have run this 49 times (12% of offense).

These three concepts are run 28 times/game by Navy.

In case you were wondering, the next most-utilized concept is Triple Pass.  They have run this 28 times (7% of offense).  Counter Option and Midline Triple are the next most-utilized concepts after Triple Pass.

Dr. Lou Cella, Sport and Performance Psychologist

Dr., Lou Cella, Sport and Performance Psychologist
Dr. Lou Cella, Sport and Performance Psychologist

Dr. Lou Cella, is a Sport and Performance Psychologist.  He has assisted in the turnaround of numerous high school football programs through his flexbone triple option-based camp system.  Just months after Dr. Cella served as camp director:

Falls City (TX) won their first regional and first state championship in school history. 

Bayfield (CO) went to the state championship game.

Pamlico County (NC) went to the state championship game.

Cashmere (WA) went to the state semifinals.

Timmonsville (SC) went to the state semifinals after going 1-9 the previous season.

You can view Dr. Cella’s full list of success stories and testimonials right here.

Dr. Cella received his Doctorate of Psychology (Psy.D.), Sport and Performance Psychology Specialization from the University of the Rockies.  He graduated with a 3.92 GPA, and he authored the research study entitled, Utilizing the 80-20 Rule to Improve Football Coaching Performance. Dr. Lou Cella’s mission as Sport and Performance Psychologist is to lead the high-performance football environment through sports science and mental conditioning process-based practices.  He can be reached at 570.332.0265.

Learn more: Dr. Cella’s Interview with Sports Illustrated on the State of the Triple Option Offense.

Dr. Cella’s Camp Highlights

Dr. Cella’s Interview with CBS-Northern Michigan

Dr. Cella’s Scholarly Journal article on Utilizing the 80/20 Rule to Improve Football Coaching Performance

Take the guesswork out of running the Flexbone Triple Option offense. Join the Triple Option Football Academy today and build your program into a championship contender!
