The Triple Option Quarterback’s Progression When Reading the Stack

The Triple Option Quarterback’s Progression When Reading the Stack

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You’ll Win More Games in 2019 Doing This ONE Thing on the Triple Option

You’ll Win More Games in 2019 Doing This ONE Thing on the Triple Option

Well coaches, it’s pretty simple. If you get movement on the action key, which is the first defensive lineman inside of the read, you have a 90+ percent chance of winning the football game. This is because once you move the action key one step beyond his God-given will, you clear the path for the […]

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Can’t Get Your Kids to Do Anything in the Off-Season?  Do This…

Can’t Get Your Kids to Do Anything in the Off-Season? Do This…

So you have an under-committed group of players… Your players aren’t coming to the weight room in the winter and spring because they’re playing other sports, and you have a bunch of kids who know they’re going to play so they just don’t show up. Then the summer comes, and your kids have every excuse in […]

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Running Zone Dive versus the Triple Stack (3-3-5/3-5-3/5-3)

Running Zone Dive versus the Triple Stack (3-3-5/3-5-3/5-3)

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Running Rocket Toss versus The Bear

Running Rocket Toss versus The Bear

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How the Flexbone Triple Option Offense is Truly a Lesson in Humility

How the Flexbone Triple Option Offense is Truly a Lesson in Humility

Triple Option = Humility Coaches go to the Triple Option Offense for one simple reason–Because their players cannot block defensive linemen. Instead of blocking defensive linemen, these coaches install an offense where their Quarterback can read these defensive linemen instead of blocking them. The coaches who make this decision obviously have decided to humble themselves. […]

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THIS is the Best Place to Run the Football

THIS is the Best Place to Run the Football

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Flexbone Triple Option Team Building Methodology

Flexbone Triple Option Team Building Methodology

Three Aspects of Team Building with the Triple Option Offense In order to maximize teamwork within the Triple Option Offense, three things must occur: 1- The focus must be on solving real technique issues. Provide training in systematic methods so the team expends its energy on the techniques within the assignment, not on figuring out […]

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Utilize This to Defeat Cover 2

Utilize This to Defeat Cover 2

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Exploiting the A-Gap Void

Exploiting the A-Gap Void

Exploiting the A-Gap with Midline Lead If the 3-technique is the first playside down linemen, read him and run through the bubble with Midline Lead. The A-gap is exposed due to the large surface area. Attacking the A-gap void with Midline Lead. PR- Crack PA/PT- Trey PG- Ace-Veer C- Ace-Reverse Ace BG- Scoop-Reverse Ace BT- […]

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