They Didn’t Cover the Inside Receiver When You Aligned in Over?  Next Time, Do This…

They Didn’t Cover the Inside Receiver When You Aligned in Over? Next Time, Do This…

Triple Option Football Playbook: Throwing the Hitch out of Over vs. Uncovered #2 In OVER, If the defense chooses not to cover the middle receiver… Run the hitch. Here the Quarterback steps with his playside foot toward the receiver, steps with his backside foot toward the receiver, and follows through with his playside foot. The […]

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Preparing the Quarterback for Midline

Preparing the Quarterback for Midline

Diagram 1- Midline Option Drill Diagram 2- Zoom (Midline Triple) versus Split Diagram 3- Zoom (Midline Triple) versus Bear Diagram 4- Midline Lead vs. 4-3/6-1 Are you ready to take this information and maximize your quarterback’s ability to run the Midline Option?

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The Over Green Two-Point Play

The Over Green Two-Point Play

For years, Triple Option colleges have discovered the following: Aligning in Over Green and running a pick route has been highly successful as a two-point play. There are a number of variables why this works, but the alignment of the defense dictates a lot of this. After stepping back prior to the cadence, the middle […]

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Navy’s 2014 Offense with End Zone Vantage Point

Navy’s 2014 Offense with End Zone Vantage Point

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“But I Don’t Have the Right Kind of Quarterback to Run Triple”

“But I Don’t Have the Right Kind of Quarterback to Run Triple”

“I just don’t think I have the Quarterback to Run the Flexbone Triple Option.” I was talking to a high school football coach from the East Coast who said the following to me: “Dr. Cella, I have never really run the Triple Option, but I WOULD take a look at it.  I just don’t think […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Game Planning

Flexbone Triple Option Game Planning

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“We Can’t Cut in High School so I’m Just Going to Run the Spread.”  Before You Sell Your Soul, Watch This…

“We Can’t Cut in High School so I’m Just Going to Run the Spread.” Before You Sell Your Soul, Watch This…

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Systematic Offensive Line Blocking of the Triple Option

Systematic Offensive Line Blocking of the Triple Option

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Five Reasons Why Certain Coaches Couldn’t be Flexbone Triple Option Coaches

Five Reasons Why Certain Coaches Couldn’t be Flexbone Triple Option Coaches

The Triple Option is not for everyone… certain coaches cannot handle the discipline.   Coaches have to follow a system and eliminate their abstract creativity. However, by eliminating abstract creativity this usually means more winning–this is because players know where to go, they get to their spot fast, and they perfectly secure the ball. The […]

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What Paul Johnson Actually Watches During the Game

What Paul Johnson Actually Watches During the Game

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