Can’t Block the 2i?  Do This…

Can’t Block the 2i? Do This…

If the situation arises where Midline Lead is run to a 2i, this is how Midline Lead is run: Midline Lead v 2is PR- Safety PA/PT- Trey PG- Ace to Veer C- Ace to Reverse Ace BG- Scoop to Reverse Ace BT- Scoop BA- Lead BR- Cutoff Q- Mid 1 B- Mid Path

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Utilizing Follow as a Pull Constraint

Utilizing Follow as a Pull Constraint

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Beat the Pass Rush With This…

Beat the Pass Rush With This…

Paul Johnson’s Lob concept cancels the pass rush because the Quarterback gets the snap, takes a quick 3-step drop and gets rid of the ball to the isolated Receiver.

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So There’s People Who Hate Your Flexbone Triple Option Offense?  Here’s What You Do…

So There’s People Who Hate Your Flexbone Triple Option Offense? Here’s What You Do…

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Here’s How to Coach the Flexbone Triple Option All By Yourself

Here’s How to Coach the Flexbone Triple Option All By Yourself

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Utilizing a Puller on Zone Option

Utilizing a Puller on Zone Option

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Your Plan on First Down

Your Plan on First Down

Today is Dr. Cella’s birthday and here’s your plan on first down–

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How to Get the Ball Outside v. Eagle Defenses

How to Get the Ball Outside v. Eagle Defenses

With the Zone Option — With the Toss —

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Practicing versus This Situation Helps You Mentally Progress Fast in the Flexbone Triple Option Offense

Practicing versus This Situation Helps You Mentally Progress Fast in the Flexbone Triple Option Offense

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How to Prepare for Opposing Defenses as a Flexbone Triple Option Offense

How to Prepare for Opposing Defenses as a Flexbone Triple Option Offense

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