Brian Kelly Talks Highly of Navy’s Flexbone Offense

Brian Kelly Talks Highly of Navy’s Flexbone Offense

You may read the article about Navy’s Flexbone Offense right here. The Academy The Academy empowers you to execute the Triple Option Offense the right way the first time.   Dr. Lou Cella installs Army and Navy’s modern-day Flexbone Triple Option Offense with you and your staff. Read more: Testimonials from Dr. Cella’s clients. Triple Option Football […]

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Midline Lead In 8-Man Football

Midline Lead In 8-Man Football

Watch Midline Lead in 8-man football right here. The Academy The Academy empowers you to execute the Triple Option Offense the right way the first time.   Dr. Lou Cella installs Army and Navy’s modern-day Flexbone Triple Option Offense with you and your staff. Read more: Testimonials from Dr. Cella’s clients. Triple Option Football Academy for 8-Man […]

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How Navy Beat the TNT

How Navy Beat the TNT

Navy beat the TNT Watch this video on how Navy beat the TNT. The Academy The Academy empowers you to execute the Triple Option Offense the right way the first time.   Dr. Lou Cella installs Army and Navy’s modern-day Flexbone Triple Option Offense with you and your staff. Read more: Testimonials from Dr. Cella’s clients. Triple […]

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Army’s Offense through 10-9-19

Army’s Offense through 10-9-19

The Army Football Offense averages 69 plays/game.  Zone Option and Zone Dive are the top two plays.  Both are 19% of the Army Football Offense, and a combined 38% of the Army Offense.  Triple Option is the #3 most utilized concept at 11%.  Zone Belly, Rocket, and Triple Pass are respectively the #4, #5, and […]

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Spend 90% of Your Practice Time on These Three Flexbone Concepts

Spend 90% of Your Practice Time on These Three Flexbone Concepts

These three Flexbone concepts are 34% of Army and Navy’s Offense.  They are Triple Option, Zone Option, and Triple Pass. According to the Pareto Principle, the top 20% of what you do gives you 80% of your results.  Dr. Cella’s dissertation proved this and helped a college program go 46-4 since they’ve applied this theory […]

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Triple Option versus 4-2 (9-Man)

Triple Option versus 4-2 (9-Man)

Triple Option for 9-man Watch the video on Triple Option versus 4-2 (9-man) right here. The Academy The Academy empowers you to execute the Triple Option Offense the right way the first time.   Dr. Lou Cella installs Army and Navy’s modern-day Flexbone Triple Option Offense with you and your staff. Read more: Testimonials from Dr. Cella’s […]

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Midline Double O-Line Blocking

Midline Double O-Line Blocking

Watch how the Offensive Line blocking works for Midline Double right here. The Academy The Academy empowers you to execute the Triple Option Offense the right way the first time.   Dr. Lou Cella installs Army and Navy’s modern-day Flexbone Triple Option Offense with you and your staff. Read more: Testimonials from Dr. Cella’s clients. Triple Option […]

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Why Military Schools Like The Citadel Stick to This “Boring” Offense

Why Military Schools Like The Citadel Stick to This “Boring” Offense

citadel offense Read the article on the boring Citadel offense right here. The Academy The Academy empowers you to execute the Triple Option Offense the right way the first time.   Dr. Lou Cella installs Army and Navy’s modern-day Flexbone Triple Option Offense with you and your staff. Read more: Testimonials from Dr. Cella’s clients. Triple Option […]

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Three Articles on Notre Dame Facing the Navy Offense

Three Articles on Notre Dame Facing the Navy Offense

the navy offense Read Notre Dame will need entire defense to slow down the Navy Offense right here. Notre Dame Defensive Tackle Jarron Jones on the Navy’s Offense right here. Read Navy moves back to Triple Option right here (they did?). The Academy The Academy empowers you to execute the Triple Option Offense the right […]

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Zone Kick 2019 Adjustments

Zone Kick 2019 Adjustments

Army and Navy have made Zone Kick adjustments in 2019.  See what they are in this video. The Academy The Academy empowers you to execute the Triple Option Offense the right way the first time.   Dr. Lou Cella installs Army and Navy’s modern-day Flexbone Triple Option Offense with you and your staff. Read more: Testimonials from […]

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