Flexbone Cadence

Flexbone Cadence

If you want to know the cadence utilized to execute the Flexbone Triple Option Offense, watch the following video: Flexbone Cadence video. The Underdog Offense Coach, I’m not sure how you feel at this point in the season — but if your kids haven been getting dominated up front — this actually might be the […]

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My Conclusion on Winning with the Flexbone Option

My Conclusion on Winning with the Flexbone Option

My conclusion on winning with the Flexbone Option is listed right here. –Dr. Cella The Underdog Offense Coach, I’m not sure how you feel at this point in the season — but if your kids haven been getting dominated up front — this actually might be the worst feeling in all of coaching.  NOTHING’S WORSE […]

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Army-Navy Offense (through 10-5-19)

Army-Navy Offense (through 10-5-19)

Army-Navy Offense: Army and Navy have run 599 plays through 10-5-19.  Here’s there most utilized concepts in order: Zone Dive- Run 121 times by Army and Navy. Zone Option (w/variations)- Run 97 times by Army and Navy. Triple Option- Run Run 92 times by Army and Navy. These three concepts are 52% of Army and […]

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Army West Point Flexbone Offense Breakdown v. Tulane (2019)

Army West Point Flexbone Offense Breakdown v. Tulane (2019)

This is the Army West Point Flexbone v. Tulane Army- 33 v. Tulane- 42 Army Total Plays Run- 63 44% of Army’s Offense was the following: Zone Dive- 11 Zone Option (w/ variations)- 11 Follow- 6 Other Plays Run: Triple Option- 1 Triple Pass- 3 Stretch Boot Pass- 2 Jet Sweep- 1 Dropback Pass- 14 […]

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Run Zone Dive When…

Run Zone Dive When…

Run Zone Dive when two things happen. #1 takes the B-Back on Triple. You can actually move the action key on Triple. Without this — running Zone Dive is worthless. Have a great weekend. keyphrase: zone dive The Underdog Offense Coach, I’m not sure how you feel at this point in the season — but […]

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Running Rocket Toss Every Other Play?  Do This

Running Rocket Toss Every Other Play? Do This

If you’re running rocket toss every other play — you’re going to do what’s recommended as stated in this video. The Underdog Offense Coach, I’m not sure how you feel at this point in the season — but if your kids haven been getting dominated up front — this actually might be the worst feeling […]

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The Army Triple Option Offense is Unique

The Army Triple Option Offense is Unique

Why is the Army Triple Option Offense so unique?  Well, Western Kentucky thinks so.  Read why they do right here. The Underdog Offense Coach, I’m not sure how you feel at this point in the season — but if your kids haven been getting dominated up front — this actually might be the worst feeling […]

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WKU has Prepped for the Army Triple Option Since January

WKU has Prepped for the Army Triple Option Since January

Yes, WKU has Prepped for the Army Triple Option Since January.  Read this article and see how WKU has done this. keyphrase: Army triple option The Underdog Offense Coach, I’m not sure how you feel at this point in the season — but if your kids haven been getting dominated up front — this actually […]

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High School Flexbone Offense

High School Flexbone Offense

Want to know how to win with the high school Flexbone offense?  Watch this video right here. keyphrase: high school flexbone offense The Underdog Offense Coach, I’m not sure how you feel at this point in the season — but if your kids haven been getting dominated up front — this actually might be the […]

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Flexbone Football: The Underdog O

Flexbone Football: The Underdog O

Coach, I’m not sure how you feel at this point in the season — but if your kids haven been getting dominated up front — this actually might be the worst feeling in all of coaching.  NOTHING’S WORSE THAN GETTING GRABBED AND FORCED BEHIND THE WOODSHED. You want to move the ball; however, you end […]

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