Running Zone Dive v. 3-3 (8-Man)

Running Zone Dive v. 3-3 (8-Man)

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Army and Navy have Run 3 Concepts 38 Times a Game through Week 3 of 2019

Army and Navy have Run 3 Concepts 38 Times a Game through Week 3 of 2019

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Army Triple Option Offensive Breakdown versus UTSA (2019)

Army Triple Option Offensive Breakdown versus UTSA (2019)

Army- 31 v. UTSA- 14 Army Total Plays Run- 57 79% of Army’s Offense was the following: Triple Option- 10 Zone Dive- 8 Midline Triple Option- 4 Zone Option- 11 Rocket- 7 Down- 5 Other Plays Run: Triple Pass- 2 Dropback Pass- 1 Zone Option Reverse- 1 Midline Lead- 3 Counter Option- 1 Rocket Pass- […]

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Making Army’s Zone Belly an Effective Pull-Pitch Response

Making Army’s Zone Belly an Effective Pull-Pitch Response

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Practicing the Flexbone Offense at Game Tempo

Practicing the Flexbone Offense at Game Tempo

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Running Zone Dive for the Pull-Pitch Response

Running Zone Dive for the Pull-Pitch Response

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Executing Zone Kick versus 4-3

Executing Zone Kick versus 4-3

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Executing Empty Zone Option v. 3-3-2 (8-Man)

Executing Empty Zone Option v. 3-3-2 (8-Man)

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Navy Triple Option Offensive Breakdown versus East Carolina (2019)

Navy Triple Option Offensive Breakdown versus East Carolina (2019)

Navy- 42 v. ECU- 10 Navy Total Plays Run- 65 66% of Navy’s Offense was the following: Triple Option- 11 Zone Dive- 9 Zone Option- 6 Triple Pass- 5 B Toss- 4 Follow- 4 Zone Kick- 4 Other Plays Run: Jet Read- 2 Zone Dive Keep- 2 Midline Triple Option- 1 Midline White- 1 Counter […]

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The Flexbone Offense Non-Negotiables

The Flexbone Offense Non-Negotiables

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