Here’s a Critical Thinking Question for You

Here’s a Critical Thinking Question for You

If you only had one hour/day (three practices/week) to practice for your entire football program, how would you schedule that hour?

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An Explanation of How to Run Zone Option

An Explanation of How to Run Zone Option

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Video on How to Utilize Follow from Double Flex

Video on How to Utilize Follow from Double Flex

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O-Line Blocking the Triple Option the Right Way the First Time

O-Line Blocking the Triple Option the Right Way the First Time

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Bobby Bowden on Defending Triple

Bobby Bowden on Defending Triple

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Here’s Tech Scoring 66 Points

Here’s Tech Scoring 66 Points

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Running Zone Option at a 4i

Running Zone Option at a 4i

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The First Down Plan

The First Down Plan

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Detailed Video Analysis of Triple Option versus the 3-5-3 Defense

Detailed Video Analysis of Triple Option versus the 3-5-3 Defense

Watch here.

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Navy’s Midline Triple Option

Navy’s Midline Triple Option

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