For When You Get 11 in the Box with the Flexbone

For When You Get 11 in the Box with the Flexbone


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How Paul Johnson Determined and Defined Coverages for the Flexbone Offense

How Paul Johnson Determined and Defined Coverages for the Flexbone Offense

Here is How Paul Johnson Determined and Defined Coverages for the Flexbone Offense. Enjoy.

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Flexbone 3 for 30

Flexbone 3 for 30


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2020 Army Flexbone Offense Breakdown versus UTSA

2020 Army Flexbone Offense Breakdown versus UTSA

Army- 28 v. UTSA- 16 ————— Army Offense Total Plays Run- 61 ————— 64% of Army’s Offense was the following THREE Concepts: Zone Dive- 16 Midline Triple Option- 6 Zone Option (all variations including G Option)- 17 —————- Other plays run: Power- 4 Trap- 3 Dropback Pass- 2 Counter Keep- 1 Down- 4 Rocket Pass- […]

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Executing Zone Dive Away from the Heavy Formation

Executing Zone Dive Away from the Heavy Formation


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Navy B-Backs Provide Winning Formula in Win versus ECU

Navy B-Backs Provide Winning Formula in Win versus ECU

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2020 Navy Flexbone Offense Breakdown versus East Carolina

2020 Navy Flexbone Offense Breakdown versus East Carolina

Navy- 27 v. East Carolina- 23 Navy Offense Total Plays Run- 63 70% of Navy’s Offense was the following: Triple Option- 9 Triple Pass- 6 Zone Dive- 11 Zone Option (all variations)- 8 Trap- 10 ——————- Other Plays Run: Midline Triple Option- 4 Triple Reverse- 1 B Toss- 2 Dropback Pass- 1 Counter Option- 1 […]

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Paul Johnson’s 360/370 Bobcat Concept

Paul Johnson’s 360/370 Bobcat Concept

Here is Paul Johnson’s 360/370 Bobcat Concept. Enjoy.

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How to Eliminate Common Flexbone Errors: Part One

How to Eliminate Common Flexbone Errors: Part One


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Running OLD SCHOOL Georgia Southern Trap Option

Running OLD SCHOOL Georgia Southern Trap Option

Here is Running OLD SCHOOL Georgia Southern Trap Option. Enjoy.

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