Paul Johnson’s Vert-Speed Concept from Trips to Beat Cover 2

Paul Johnson’s Vert-Speed Concept from Trips to Beat Cover 2

Here is Paul Johnson’s Vert-Speed Concept from Trips to Beat Cover 2. Enjoy.

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Paul Johnson and the Origin of Midline White

Paul Johnson and the Origin of Midline White

Here is Paul Johnson and the Origin of Midline White. Enjoy.

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Running Down (Belly-G) from the Double Flex Formation

Running Down (Belly-G) from the Double Flex Formation


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Paul Johnson’s Fold Play

Paul Johnson’s Fold Play

Here is Paul Johnson’s Fold Play. Enjoy.

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Army–87 Percent–6 Plays

Army–87 Percent–6 Plays

In Army’s 42-0 versus Middle Tennessee State on Saturday Army did the following: 87% of their offense was SIX (6) plays. These six plays were the following: Triple Option Zone Option Zone Dive Down (Belly-G) Rocket Toss Midline Triple Option These were 60 of Army’s 69 plays.   Keep in mind, the average high school football […]

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2020 Army Flexbone Offense Breakdown versus Middle Tennessee

2020 Army Flexbone Offense Breakdown versus Middle Tennessee

Army- 42 v. MTSU- 0 Army Total Plays Run- 69 87% of Army’s Offense was the following: Triple Option- 8 Zone Dive- 17 Midline Triple Option- 11 Rocket Toss- 5 Belly G- 7 Zone Option (with variations)- 12 Other Plays Run Dropback Pass- 4 Zone Option Reverse- 1 Rocket Pass- 1 B Toss- 1 Rocket […]

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Paul Johnson on Identifying Fronts for the Triple Option

Paul Johnson on Identifying Fronts for the Triple Option

Here is Paul Johnson on Identifying Fronts for the Triple Option. Enjoy.

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How Zone Dive Quickly Becomes Outside Veer

How Zone Dive Quickly Becomes Outside Veer

How Zone Dive Becomes Outside Veer

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How Paul Johnson Ran Counter Option versus an Eagle Defense

How Paul Johnson Ran Counter Option versus an Eagle Defense

Here is How Paul Johnson Ran Counter Option versus an Eagle Defense. Enjoy.

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Flexbone Football is Unique Football for Unique Results

Flexbone Football is Unique Football for Unique Results


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