Play 11 Players Under 180 Pounds and WIN

Play 11 Players Under 180 Pounds and WIN

Play 11 Players Under 180 Pounds and Win With the Flexbone — Here’s How

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Throwing the Lob Concept off Rocket Motion

Throwing the Lob Concept off Rocket Motion

Throwing the Lob off Rocket Motion

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Paul Johnson’s OLD Tackle Trap Concept

Paul Johnson’s OLD Tackle Trap Concept

Coach Johnson utilized this concept during his Georgia Southern days. Since then, this concept has been rarely utilized; however, here it is. Enjoy.

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Executing the Quarterback Counter off Triple Option

Executing the Quarterback Counter off Triple Option

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Paul Johnson’s Reverse off Triple Option

Paul Johnson’s Reverse off Triple Option

Below is Paul Johnson’s reverse off the triple option. He utilized this throughout his entire career. Enjoy.

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Flexbone Football is NEVER About Your Opponent

Flexbone Football is NEVER About Your Opponent

Flexbone Football is NOT About Your Opponent

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Paul Johnson’s Reverse Pass off Triple Option

Paul Johnson’s Reverse Pass off Triple Option

Quarterback fakes Triple and underhands the ball to the reversing Receiver – – Receiver either throws back to the quarterback or to the Playside A running straight down the field. This is from Paul’s Georgia Southern days; however his disciples still use this to this day. ENJOY.

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Zone Option and the +1 Effect

Zone Option and the +1 Effect

10 Defenders in the Box? Zone Option Always has You +1

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Spend 80% of Practice Time on Load Scheme and on Zone Option—Here’s Why

Spend 80% of Practice Time on Load Scheme and on Zone Option—Here’s Why

Spend 80% of Your Time on Load Scheme and Zone OPTION

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How to Utilize the Double Switch Concept

How to Utilize the Double Switch Concept


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