Paul Johnson’s Aztec Tag on Triple Option

Paul Johnson’s Aztec Tag on Triple Option


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How to Utilize the Spread Flex Formation

How to Utilize the Spread Flex Formation


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Paul Johnson on the Quarterback Identifying the Rule of 3 or 4 for Double Option

Paul Johnson on the Quarterback Identifying the Rule of 3 or 4 for Double Option

The timeline in which he wrote this was the mid-90s; however, this is completely prophetic to today’s modern-day Zone Option. How Army and Navy run the Zone Option/Zone Kick has evolved to this prophecy. Frankly, this is rather amazing that Coach Johnson was able to distinguish the importance of this back in those days. Enjoy.

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INSTANTLY Watch New Flexbone and Triple Option Content

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Navy’s Double Option BEFORE They Invented Zone Option

Navy’s Double Option BEFORE They Invented Zone Option


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Process > Result with the Flexbone Offense

Process > Result with the Flexbone Offense


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4-Step Procedure to SUCCESSFULLY Coaching the Flexbone

4-Step Procedure to SUCCESSFULLY Coaching the Flexbone


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Paul Johnson’s OLD Quarterback Counter off the Triple Option

Paul Johnson’s OLD Quarterback Counter off the Triple Option

When Coach Johnson was at Georgia Southern, he utilized this Quarterback counter off the triple option. Enjoy.

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Why Army and Navy Run Trap

Why Army and Navy Run Trap


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Follow Dr. Cella on Twitter and Subscribe to His YouTube Channel for Flexbone Content

Follow Dr. Cella on Twitter and Subscribe to His YouTube Channel for Flexbone Content

Follow Dr. Cella on Twitter right here. Follow Dr. Cella on Twitter. Subscribe to Dr. Cella’s You Tube Channel right here. Follow Dr. Cella on Twitter Playcall, Install, Practice, and Win Mission: Playcall, Install, and Practice Army & Navy’s Modern-Day Flexbone Offense the Right Way the First Time. Triple Option Football Academy ($1997) 3-Day Camp […]

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