2020 Navy Flexbone Offense Breakdown v. Army

2020 Navy Flexbone Offense Breakdown v. Army

Navy- 0 v. Army- 15 Navy Total Plays Run- 42 62% of Navy’s Offense was the following: Zone Option (all variations)- 11 Zone Dive- 9 Midline Triple Option- 6 —————– Other Plays Run: Follow- 3 Jet Boot Pass- 1 Q Sprint Draw- 1 Triple Pass- 3 Trap- 1 B-Toss- 1 Counter Speed- 1 Belly Pass- […]

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2020 Army Flexbone Offense Breakdown v. Navy

2020 Army Flexbone Offense Breakdown v. Navy

Army- 15 v. Navy- 0 Army Total Plays Run- 52 79% of Army’s Offense Was the following: Zone Option (all variations)- 10 Zone Dive- 9 Follow- 8 Midline Triple Option- 5 CounterKeep- 5 Triple Option- 4 ———– Other Plays Run: Power- 2 Trap- 3 Triple Pass- 1 A-Trap- 1 B-Toss- 1 Power Boot Pass- 1 […]

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Paul Johnson’s Midline Guidelines (1990s)

Paul Johnson’s Midline Guidelines (1990s)

Here are Paul Johnson’s Midline Guidelines (1990s). Enjoy.

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Tossing Away from the Heavy Formation

Tossing Away from the Heavy Formation

Executing #BToss Away from the #Heavy #Formation https://youtu.be/EJ2eFVagrHc

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Coach Paul Johnson’s Ute Screen Concept

Coach Paul Johnson’s Ute Screen Concept

Here is Coach Paul Johnson’s Ute Screen Concept. Enjoy.

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Utilizing the Two-Way Option When There is a 1-Technique & 4i on the Playside

Utilizing the Two-Way Option When There is a 1-Technique & 4i on the Playside

Utilizing the Two-Way #Option When There is a 1-Technique & 4i on the Playside https://youtu.be/Kcg1AybbY8E

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The Flexbone Triple Option Offense and Its Positions

The Flexbone Triple Option Offense and Its Positions


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Paul Johnson’s Playcalling Process in the 1990s

Paul Johnson’s Playcalling Process in the 1990s

Here is Paul Johnson’s Playcalling Process in the 1990s. Enjoy.

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Running Midline Twirl v. 3-4 in 8-Man Football

Running Midline Twirl v. 3-4 in 8-Man Football

Running #MidlineTwirl v. 3-4 in #8manfootball https://youtu.be/NVdzc2BwG94

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Running Zone Belly to the B-Gap Void

Running Zone Belly to the B-Gap Void

Army’s Zone Belly versus 4-2 Defense https://youtu.be/EV05hwkp_OQ

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