2 Keys to Winning with the Triple Option Offense

2 Keys to Winning with the Triple Option Offense

Flexbone Offense for High School: Two Keys to Winning https://youtu.be/qP9Yv0SSVeE

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They Scored 508 Points in 11 Games MONTHS After Working with Dr. Cella… And They Had 20 Players!

They Scored 508 Points in 11 Games MONTHS After Working with Dr. Cella… And They Had 20 Players!

Odessa-Harrington (WA) In 2015, after running a camp with Dr. Lou Cella as Camp Director, Odessa-Harrington (WA) scored 508 points in 11 games, averaged 46 points/game, made it to the second round of the Washington State Playoffs, and did all this with a roster of 20 players. Dr. Cella is an absolutely fantastic instructor of […]

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Everything You Need to Know About the Quarterback, B-Back, and Backside A-Back on the Triple

Everything You Need to Know About the Quarterback, B-Back, and Backside A-Back on the Triple

Everything You Need to Know About the Quarterback, B-Back, and Backside A-Back on the Triple Option https://youtu.be/b557tw-VkoE

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The Importance of Blocking with the “Knee through the Crotch”

The Importance of Blocking with the “Knee through the Crotch”

Video: The Importance of Blocking with the “Knee through the Crotch” https://youtu.be/yIvKBqt4008

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Installing FREEZE the Right Way the First Time

Installing FREEZE the Right Way the First Time

Installing FREEZE the Right Way the First Time https://youtu.be/XhwmYcJ9mwA

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Utilizing Rocket Boot Pass as a Counter Play

Utilizing Rocket Boot Pass as a Counter Play

Utilizing Rocket Boot Pass as a Counter Play https://youtu.be/tqj4U4HSkQw

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From 1-9 to the State Semifinals Immediately After Working with Dr. Cella

From 1-9 to the State Semifinals Immediately After Working with Dr. Cella

Timmonsville (SC) In 2010, Timmonsville HS (SC) was running the Spread Offense and finished the 2010 season with a 1-9 record. In 2011, after running a camp with Lou Cella as Camp Director, Timmonsville went to the South Carolina Class A State Semifinals and with a roster of 21 players. “The camp/system was a key […]

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The Facts About Counters

The Facts About Counters

Video: The Truth About Counters https://youtu.be/VmV-QlOSXh4

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Oversimplification to Live Your Best Life as a Triple Option Football Coach

Oversimplification to Live Your Best Life as a Triple Option Football Coach

Video: Oversimplify Your Process https://youtu.be/zfrPMMZbFDo

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Utilize THIS to Constrain the Force Player

Utilize THIS to Constrain the Force Player

Utilize THIS to Constrain the Force Player https://youtu.be/q0kHZ9MLS58

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