Less Offensive Sophistication Equals More Winning

Less Offensive Sophistication Equals More Winning


In this video, Dr. Cella discusses how a less sophisticated offense at the high school and college level leads to more offensive success. In last night’s Army spring game, Army succeeded, running zone dive, follow, kick, and rocket toss. When they tried anything else, it usually resulted in a negative play or a low achieving play. This is due to the fact that all these other concepts – most of which were from the shotgun – involved a lot of moving parts. Because of this, Army was not successful in those endeavors. This video encourages the current high school head football coach to utilize the triple team as his offense’s firm foundation as simple things surely work best. This was clearly the case in the Army spring game last night.

Less Offensive Sophistication Equals More Winning #flexbone #tripleoption #coaching

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