Flexbone Faith: The Non-Negotiable Ingredient for Success

Flexbone Faith: The Non-Negotiable Ingredient for Success


Here’s a summary for the video:

“Trusting in the Flexbone System is NON-NEGOTIABLE!”

In this video, Dr. Cella emphasizes the crucial importance of unwavering trust and commitment to the Flexbone system. They stress that success in this offense relies on:

  • Buying into the system’s principles
  • Executing plays with confidence
  • Embracing the process, even in adversity

Dr. Cella encourages coaches and players to:

  • Let go of doubts and skepticism
  • Trust the system’s design and logic
  • Focus on mastering fundamentals

By doing so, teams can unlock the Flexbone’s full potential, achieve consistency, and dominate on the field.

Trusting in the Flexbone System is NON-NEGOTIABLE!
