The Need to Lead: What Football Players Need from their Triple Option Quarterback

The Need to Lead: What Football Players Need from their Triple Option Quarterback


What constitutes an ideal number of formal and informal athlete leaders on a team?

Based on this ideal, there are benefits of athlete leaders.

In a recent December 2013 study by Journal of Sport Behavior, athletes indicated that leadership should be widespread among teammates, such that 85% of a team’s roster should be comprised of athlete leaders. In particular, 19% of a roster should be occupied by formal athlete leaders, while the remaining 66% by athletes occupying an informal leadership role within the team.

So what is needed for the leadership Triple Option Quarterback?

1- He better be accurate with the football.

2- He better be the CLEAR #1.

3- He better get along with ALL his teammates.

4- He better clearly transmit information to other players.

5- He better act mature.

Quarterback leaders greatly impact the team environment.

Merry Christmas!

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