Common Mistakes and Corrections in Flexbone and Triple Option Offenses

Common Mistakes and Corrections in Flexbone and Triple Option Offenses


Common Mistakes and Corrections in Flexbone and Triple Option Offenses

This segment is a deep dive into the most frequent errors coaches see in Flexbone and Triple Option offenses. It’s essential to provide clear, actionable solutions for these issues.

 Quarterback Play:

* Hesitation in reads

* Improper ball handling

* Poor pitch mechanics

* Lack of decisiveness

 Offensive Line Play:

   * Missed assignments

   * Lack of physicality

   * Improper positional leverage on blocks

 B-Back Play:

   * Missed blocking assignments

   * Ineffective lead blocking

   * Poor ball security

   * Incorrect landmarks

 A-Back Play:

   * Timing issues on pitches

   * Improper positional leverage on blocks

   * Missed assignments

Wide Receiver Play:

 *   Failure to sustain blocks

 *   Incorrect blocking and route angles

 *    Lack of physicality

By focusing on common mistakes and providing actionable solutions, this segment will help coaches improve the execution of their Flexbone and Triple Option offenses.

Common Mistakes and Corrections in Flexbone and Triple Option Offenses
