How Follow Can Devastate the Okie Dog Pinch

How Follow Can Devastate the Okie Dog Pinch

This diagram demonstrates how to utilize Follow to devastate Bear Bryant’s Okie Dog Pinch, which is still a common method to stopping the Triple Option. About the Author Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System Over the Last Four Years […]

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Running Midline Triple to the Shade

Running Midline Triple to the Shade

The following diagram demonstrates how to run Midline Triple as a call to the Shade side. About the Author Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System Over the Last Four Years Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. Lou Cella, is a […]

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Utilizing Over Brown to Run Four Verticals

Utilizing Over Brown to Run Four Verticals

Over Brown is a formation utilized to take advantage of the defense who chooses not to bring someone over from the backside to the over side. Over Brown Four Verticals takes further advantage of this. About the Author Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. […]

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The Backside Guard’s Three Blocks in the Triple Option Offense

The Backside Guard’s Three Blocks in the Triple Option Offense

The Backside Guard has three blocks in the Triple Option Offense. He scoops on all runs except Midline Triple. He aces on Midline Triple. He slide protects on all passes. Below is the diagram demonstrating all three of these movements: About the Author Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas […]

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Another Answer to Handle the Squeeze/Scrape

Another Answer to Handle the Squeeze/Scrape

In the past, Zone Dive has been the answer versus the Squeeze/Scrape versus a 7-man front: The Follow can be utilized in the same manner.   When the Mike runs over the top, the B-Back leads the way to the open gap. Because the B-Back serves as an extra blocker, this can work versus an […]

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Triple Option Perimeter Blocking versus Cover 2

Triple Option Perimeter Blocking versus Cover 2

The following diagram is designed to give you a basic understand of how the Playside A and Playside Receiver block the perimeter on Triple Option when they get a Cover 2 look: About the Author Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option […]

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Four Triple Option Offensive Line Drills That Matter

Four Triple Option Offensive Line Drills That Matter

One of our Triple Option Football Academy clients asked Dr. Cella which Triple Option Offensive Line drills matter the most. So to provide you with appropriate visual information, here are the four Triple Option Offensive Line drills that matter. 1- Scoop 2- Veer 3- Ace 4- Slide About the Author Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and […]

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How Midline Triple is the New Counter Option

How Midline Triple is the New Counter Option

Midline Triple and Counter Option have tremendous similarities. The big difference is that it’s tremendously easier to block Midline Triple than Counter Option. Let’s take a look at the action of Counter Option: Now, let’s take a look at Midline Triple: The Playside Receiver has the same assignment on both concepts. The Playside A has […]

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Webster County High School (WV) Gets Serious About the Triple Option

Webster County High School (WV) Gets Serious About the Triple Option

Read the article right here.   About the Author Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System Over the Last Four Years Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. Lou Cella, is a Sports Performance Specialist, and a 19-year coaching veteran of the college […]

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Triple Pass Out versus Bear

Triple Pass Out versus Bear

When the overhang player folds inside on the dive, he needs to pay for his mistake. After he does this, come back and run Triple Pass Out. He’ll fold in to tackle the B-Back on the dive, and the ball will be thrown into the flat he is supposed to be covering. This is exactly […]

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